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I walked down the street, still not being able to shake the feeling.

"Jenna! JENNA!" I snapped back.

I look over to my best friend Morgan. Her long black hair is flowing behind her and her blue eyes are shining.

"Can you come to the party or not?"She asked me, smiling.

The feeling over took me again and I looked around, scared someone was watching.

"Jen, are you alright? You seem really paranoid," She said, her smile fading.

"I-I'm fine." I said. "Listen, I-I gotta go. I'll text you later."

I walked away without another word. Once I rounded a corner, I took off running.

The feeling started getting stronger and I screamed when hands grabbed at my bag.

I rounded another corner but found myself cornered. Shit.

"My dolls don't speak like that." I look up to see a masked face grinning at me, holding a syringe filled with liquid.

"Hello Jenna. Why don't you come home?" I froze.

"How do y- Wait. You've been stalking me!" I screamed trying to run.

He was too fast.He grabbed my arm and jabbed the needle into my neck.

The dosage was strong as I started to fade away immediately.

"Shh my sweet, you'll be home safe and sound soon."

I then let the darkness overtake me.


I woke up tied to a sofa.

Well more like chained, my hands hung beside me chained to the floor as well as my feet.

I struggled and tried to stand up but fell back down.

I tried to yank the chains out of the floor but still could not.

"HELP ME! HELP!!" I heard footsteps from some stairs nearby and my heart sped up as my hopes soared.

A woman wearing an apron and holding a laundry basket stopped at the base.

She had curly blonde hair that looked SUPER tacky. She had great green eyes and her face was doll-like and perfect. She wore heavy makeup and her arms and legs looked as though they were a Barbie's. I noticed her stomach was unusually swollen and guessed she was pregnant.

"Please ma'am! Help me!" I pleaded. She just smiled at me.

She jumped as she heard footsteps above and hurried over to the washer.

I screamed as the masked man was there.

I struggled harder this time and was rewarded with a sharp slap across the face.

He slammed my back against the couch and made me stay.

He began poking and prodding me, lifting my chin and arms.

"You'll need minor work," he mumbled "Almost perfect."

He slowly removed his mask.

He had chocolate hair that fell to the side. He had dark black eyes that scared me deeply. He looked in his early 20's but had a smartness about him that made him seem older.

"I know your scared Jenna. It's okay though. Your safe now."

He attempted to put his arm around me but I shimmied away.

His eyes softened and he looked at me with something no one ever had before.

Love. Desire. He couldn't be happier to be siting next to me.

I'd always wanted someone to look at me like that. I'd always wanted to see the love in a guy's eyes that other girls experienced every other week.

I slowly moved closer.

He smiled. "I love you, my doll."

The happiness flew out the window. I forgot that's why I was here. To be his doll.

Anger flashed in his eyes. "Say it goddamnit!"

"I love you Papa." I squeaked out.

"Good girl." He said, relaxing.

"Tanya, my sugar, go fetch Rachel. She'll help settle Jenna in."

I heard the woman by the washer trudge upstairs and then two pairs of footsteps trudged down the stairs.

I noticed this girl had brunette ringlets and one green and one blue eye. Her legs also looked as a Barbie's and wore heavy makeup.

The man left us and looked at the women.

"Where the hell am I?" I whispered.

The brunette, Rachel I'm guessing, stepped forward. She took my hands in hers and said," There is no escape. We belong to him, see?"

She lifted up her dress to expose her stomach a large PH was carved into it.

Fear surged through me.

"I'm Rachel by the way. This is Tanya." She pointed to the woman.

"She's mute because the 'customization' went wrong. She was on the final stage, voice."

It was only then I noticed how silky Rachel's voice sounded. It sounded perfect.

"What's the 'customization'?" I asked, calming down a bit.

"You'll go through it tomorrow. He basically makes you perfect. He starts with the face, then the body, then the hair, then the voice."

"And this is all permanent?" I ask slowly.

She nods, sending me a sad smile.

I'd much rather be in Hell than this messed up place.


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