Morgan and Parker

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•Morgan's POV•
7 months later

I was pissed.

I slammed my hand into the wall, my chains clinking.

I had refused to let him use my body to pleasure him so I ended up in chains, tucked away in a dark room.

"JENNA!" I screamed.

Her face appeared in the door way, her round stomach leading her.

I still couldn't believe she had stayed here this long and was pregnant.

"Hungry? Thirsty? Ready to comply?" She asked sweetly.

" You know exactly what I want dumbass." I hissed.

"Yes, to please Papa." She nodded.

"I will never listen to his sorry ass."

"You will not speak about Papa like that!" She yelled.

Her face then fell and I looked at her confused.

"You might just get your way..." She unlocked me before passing out in my arms and it was only then that I realized her water broke.

I started rushing up the stairs and Papa approached me red faced.

"What the hell are you-JENNA!" He took her from me.

"You're lucky my Morgan!" He hissed, ushering me towards the recovery room.

"Tanya! Delivery time!"

Tanya rushed in, leaving us alone in the now locked room.

"Breathe Jenna!" I said as her eyes fluttered awake again.

She screamed so loud I thought she was getting shot.

"There's-(pant)-MORE-(pant)- THEN oNE!"

Tanya signaled me to get two beds ready and I pulled them up .

The first baby was a little girl and I felt so much regret when I laid her on the table.

The next was a boy, and I had no clue what Papa would want to do with him.

Jenna smiled at her children before falling asleep again, Tanya and I tending to the little ones.

I jumped when the doorbell rang. Was it the police? Help?

"Donny!" I heard Papa yell and I almost dropped the little girl.

I heard footsteps and Parker came up the stairs holding Sasha and two girls followed behind, "dolled" up just like us.

"These are your distant cousins, I hope you get along. For now my cousin and I have some catching up to do."

The door slammed shut and the two girls ran forward.

"I'm Kim, 18 years old and this is my twin Tina."

They shared the same chocolate hair and blue eyes.

"Oh! Babies!" Tina exclaimed, picking the boy up.

"You're going to be your Papa's little helper!"

I noticed they had had less surgery then us.

"Did You two go through customization?"

They nodded with a smile.

"That girl on the bed had about as much as us. We were almost perfect when Papa saved us and made our lives perfect."

I gulped. These two either had a major case of Stockholm Syndrome or were already nutcases when they were picked up.

"Papa said we were going to move to Europe but there was only enough room for four dolls and three kids."

Now it was Tanya's turn to become a pale girl. She was the oldest and most worn out of us dolls. Sasha had four other girls to take care of her. Our fates were in the hands of a madman who wanted nothing more than a perfect dollhouse.

•Parker's POV•

Donny was here which meant finally we could escape.

The police had started tracking down all people with the last name of Holly or people related to those with a last name of Holly.

They'd only caught grandma who died a day later with our secret.

"How's my Parky?" He said, ruffling my hair like he used to.

"I'm great Donny! One of my dolls, Jenna, just have birth to twins! A girl and a boy!"

Donny gasped in delight." You create your own dolls? I haven't tried that yet, I want my dollies to mature a bit more."

I jumped when heavy footsteps approached.

Tanya walked up to me and stole Sasha away from me and I growled in anger.

"Give my doll back." She shook her head angrily.

I was angry but knew Tanya never disobeyed without a reason.

"Why not?" I screamed.

Donny pushed me aside and began making intricate motions with his hands that I didn't understand.

Tanya smiled and moved her hands in a similar way.

He was communicating without the paper.

I felt the heat rise to my face as I wanted to communicate with my own doll.

They kept this up for a while until Donny turned to me.

"She wants to know which doll will go when we leave."

"Tell her it won't be her. I'm sure of that."

He nodded and minutes later I was kissed on the cheek and received my sweet Sasha.

Either naughty Morgan or one of the twins would leave the house.

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