Chapter 18

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Lucys pov

We walked back down to the car

We had decided that we would swim and mess around at the beach, eat, go to the "cave", then go back up to the hill

"Lucy-San wanna go swimming with me?" Wendy asked me

"Uh sure, Natsu wanna join us?" I asked him

"Sure!" He replied

I took off my shirt and shorts revealing my white bikini with pink flowers on them. I ran toward the beach following Wendy into the water

(Little did Lucy know that natsu was watching her and he blushed ;3)

Natsu ran into the water shortly after me

I went next Wendy and swam around
I felt something grab me around my waist

"Kyaa!!" I yelled scared

"Don't worry Luce, it's just me" natsu laughed as he let go of me

"Don't do that to me!!" I yelled at him

"Hehe" he went underwater

"Your brother is weird. I feel sorry for you Wendy" I told her

Natsu came out of the water
"HEY!!! I'm not weird!!!" Natsu defended himself

"Mhm says the guy that wears a scarf in the middle of summer" I said

"That scarf means everything to me! I won't be able to live without it!" Natsu said

"Lucy-San... Don't bring up his scarf.. That scarf means everything to him.." Wendy told me

"Oh, Natsu I'm sorry...I didn't know it meant so much to you..." I looked down

"Don't worry about it, you didn't know..." Natsu turned around and walked to the sand

"Natsu wait! Please I'm sorry!! Don't be sad!" I tried to chase after him but I tripped and we both fell to the ground

"Oww, Luce what was that for??" Natsu asked as he rubbed his head

I looked up to him and blushed
I fell
On top of him
Our faces were so close

I immediately stood up

"I'm so sorry!!! I slipped!!!" I panicked blushing

"It's fine Lucy, don't worry. And I wasn't mad, I was gonna get food. I'm hungry" as if on cue, his stomach grumbled

I laughed
"What did you pack?" I asked

"Sushi. Wendy! Lunch time!!"

"Yay!!" Wendy shouted and ran towards us

I helped Natsu get all the food and drinks and took them to where Wendy was
"Hey Natsu..why are we the only ones here?" I asked

"Oh. That's cuz this beach is private. It belongs to the dragneel family" Natsu stated like it was obvious


"Yup Natsu is telling the truth! This beach is all ours" Wendy smiled

"How???" I asked

"Easy, dragneels, money, beach, want,bought" Natsu explained

"Oh...that makes sense why your house is so big" I told him

"Yup. Now come on, let's eat. I'm hungry" Natsu said as he opened up a cooler and took out sodas

"Thank you" I said as I took one

"You're welcome. Wendy can you pass me the plates?" Natsu asked

"Yeah here" Wendy handed Natsu the plates

Natsu passed out plates with some sushi and rice. I took a bite of it
"Omg! This is so good!!! Who made this?" I asked taking another bite

Wendy and Natsu said at the same time

"What? How? You better not be lying to me!"  I said in disbelief

"I'm not lying Luce, I made it. Ask Wendy she saw me" he said taking a bite

"Yup, Natsu made it. I saw him make it. He woke up early to make them" she said taking a bite of the rice

"Well... Thank you Natsu, for taking time to make this... And it's really good" I smiled

"You're welcome" he smiled back

After we ate we packed up everything and Natsu still wanted to go to the cave so we went

"Now, you guys have to be careful. There's a lot of rocks everywhere and water and it's dark so it's gonna be hard to see what's in front of you" Natsu handed us a flashlight

"K" we both said

We kept walking
We all almost tripped at different parts
Nothing too bad

"Hey Natsu what are we looking for?" I asked

"You'll see"

5 mint later we walked to a place with water and light so the blue water was reflecting off the walls

"Wow, it's so pretty" I said looking around in awe

"That's not the best part" Natsu took off his shirt and dived into the water

"NATSU!!!" I started to panick
He didn't come up after 2 minutes

"Lucy-San Natsu needs help!" Wendy told me scared

I did the only thing I thought of

I put my things down, took off my shirt and shorts leaving me in my swimsuit once again and dived into the water

I tried looking for Natsu
The water was so clear so it should've been easy but
I couldn't find him

I started to lose my breath and I couldn't go back up
I was too deep

I started to lose conscious

Ooo~ cliffhanger
Bet you hate those
Oh well >:3

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