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Day of the date

Lucy's pov

I woke up and got dressed for my date today
Natsu said he was going to pick me up around noon so I got everything I needed: purse, money, sweater etc.

My phone buzzed with a message from Natsu

Natsu: Hope you're ready. I'll be over in ten minutes.
Me: I'll see you soon^^

I put my phone down and got my boots on

I heard the door bell ring so I ran to the door with my things

"Hey Natsu" I smiled
"Hey Luce. You look beautiful." he complimented 
"Thank you. You look handsome yourself" I blushed. He wore a buttoned up white shirt with a black vest
"Thanks. I am pretty hot if i do say so myself" he pulled lightly on his vest and smiled that smile I love to see
I giggled at his response
"Are you ready to go?" He asked 

I locked the door to my house and walked towards his car
He opened the door for me then we drove off
"Hey Natsu? Where are we going?" I asked
"Can't tell you" he kept his eyes on the road
"Why not?" I asked
"It's a secret"

After driving around for sometime Natsu handed me a blindfold
"What's this?" I asked
"Put it on silly" he told me
I did as told and put the blindfold on. After sometime, I felt the car stop. I heard Natsu open his door, leave for a couple minutes and then returned and opened my door.

"Where are we?" I asked him
"Somewhere" he answered
"Can I take off the blindfold?" I asked
"Not yet"
Natsu grabbed my hands and walked me somewhere.
We stopped.
"You can take it off now" he told me
I took off the blindfold to see us at a park
I've never been to this park before, and I've never seen it.
"You like it?" Natsu asked
"Like it? This is amazing!" I looked around to see beautiful flowers and a gazebo covered in little lights. Inside the gazebo was a table with a vase in the center with a single red rose

Natsu walked over to it and put a basket down

"Surprise" he laughed
"You did this?" I asked him
"Yeah, I needed a little help from some friends but most of it was me." He pulled out a chair

I sat down and smiled at him "thank you"

"You're welcome Luce. I hope this is okay" Natsu opened the basket to take out the packed lunch.
There were some sandwiches, watermelon and
"Chocolate covered strawberries!!" I said in excitement
"Yup, it was Wendy's idea to make some for today." Natsu smiled and started to serve the two plates

He sat down.
"Lucy" he started
"Yeah?" I asked
"Um, I- I just want to say... This is my first date... So I don't exactly know what to do..." He looked down in embarrassment
"Oh Natsu, you don't need to be embarrassed. It's my first date too so we'll learn together" I smiled at him
"And here I thought you've been on thousands of dates" he chuckled
"H-hey! Shut up! I'll have you know many guys have asked me out before!" I told him
"Oh? And yet this is your first date?" He asked
"I-I said no to them all. I wanted my first date to be special and with someone I actually like and care for" I blushed
'D-Did I just C-confess?!?' I thought to myself
"So you like me?" Natsu asked with a smirk
"Y-yeah..." I looked down at my lap embarrassed
"Good, then this would be easier for me." He started
I looked up confused at him
"Lucy, we've hung out a lot, we've got to know each other a lot more and well... W-will you please be my g-girlfriend?" He asked looking straight at my eyes blushing
"N-Natsu... Of course I'll be your g-girlfriend " I smiled at him
"Are you serious??" He asked me
I laughed and answered "yes silly"

After the meal

"Oh Luce, I had planned something and we just ate but I hope you're ok with walking. It could make more room for dessert." Natsu told me as he stood up and placed everything back in the basket

"Where are we going?" I asked my pink haired boyfriend

"Somewhere I hope you will like" he kept walking, holding my hand.

"I'm sure I will"

We walked to a lake. The sun had started to go down as Natsu placed a blanket on the ground and motioned me to sit down next to him.
I sat down next to him, my legs were sideways as i leaned my weight on my arm. Natsu sat down next to me and opened the container of strawberries.
I reached to get one and took a bite.
"Yummm~ these are so sweet! I have to thank Wendy for telling you to pack them." I ate another one
"I'm glad you like them" Natsu ate one himself.
"It's really beautiful here, thank you for doing this." I looked at him
"It's no problem at all" he looked at me 
We stared into each others eyes for a moment when Natsu started to lean In
I leaned in as well. Natsu's eyes went to my eyes then to my lips then back to my eyes. Natsu closed the gap and kissed me. I kissed him back.
'If this is a dream, never wake me up' I thought to myself

We pulled away to breathe. We both were blushing. Natsu reached into the container and pulled out a strawberry.
"Say 'Ahhh'" Natsu put the strawberry in front of my mouth
I blushed at his action and took a bite of the strawberry.
"I-I can feed myself Natsu" I stuttered
"If you can then why did you take a bite?" He smirked
"I-I.. I didn't want to be rude and ruin the moment" I said embarrassed
He giggled and ruffled my hair "you're cute Luce"

We headed back to the car after sometime and he drove me back home.
"Thank you for today, I had fun." I told him as we walked up to my house
"No problem at all my girlfriend" he smiled
I smiled and kissed his cheek "good night my boyfriend" I giggled and headed inside

'I can't believe I'm dating him now' I thought

NALU IS CANON NOW -well in my story....-
hoped you enjoyed the chapter ^^

Also I know I said i'd update more and I'm trying to prewrite a lot of chapters right now but I'm going out of town for like 2 weeks sooo I don't think i'll be able to write or update because of that sorryyy

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