His mom

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Leo pov

Me and raph were in his room working on our project. When his mom came home. She look nice and all but raph and her look nothing alike.

She gave us some snacks and drinks. Right now me and raph were in his room just talking. "So your mother seems nice and all" I said.

"Yea" was all he said he seem to talk a lot less now since his mom walk in wile some stuff was happing then talk to him.


I was sitting on his bed and he was standing we were talking about what we should do. While he was walking cause we got bored while talking so he was just walking back and forth.

When he trip over something and landed one top of me. With my arms above my head and his hands holding them down with him hovering above me.

That's when his mom walk in we all had a surprise look he quietly for off me then his mom wanted to talk to him him so the left me alone in his room. I couldn't couldn't quite make out what they were saying. But it sounded like yelling.

Then it all went quiet he then walk back in but his cheek was all red it look like he was slapped.

End of flashback

But that was like and hour ago and he still hasn't said anything since then. Till now "I think its best if you goo now" he said he still sounded sad tho.

"Yea maybe it is" I said back and started to pack up my thing he walk me to the front door and open it. "See you at school bye" "bye".

When I walk out he was just standing in the door way. He then closed the door when I was in a far distance it was getting cold out side I always hated this time of the year.....


Sorry if it's too long and I haven't updated I am having benchmarks starting today and i been having a hard time at school and home so I will still try my hardest to update often bye and thank you for reading.

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