Hanging out

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Leo pov

Well today Christmas I'm will be going to raph house because he said his parents won't be home. When I get to his house we just talk and went up to his room we both just lay down on his bed side to side.

"So how has your day been so far" I said to stop the silence. "Nothing much till u got here, what about you " "Same" then it went quiet again until he ask me something that I didn't know what to say. "So why did you want to spend Christmas here with me nobody really ever wants to do that."

'Think Leo think wait I think I got it' I thought "Well you did seem kinda lonely so I thought we could just hang out I mean is there something wrong with that" "What no I was just wondering that's all I mean I was getting bored around here by myself" he quietly said back.

I look back at the clock he had on his desk and say that it was 10:44 p.m. "Well look like I should get going maybe you can come to my house on new year's eve" I hope he say yes. "Yeah ill like that" "ok bye" "bye".

So with that I walk back home to get some sleep.

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