Part 13.

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He felt wonderful with how his plan was going, absolutely splendid in fact.

The girl actually believed that she was safe and in good hands. She thought that she'd be seeing everyone she had ever loved soon enough, everyone she'd left when she'd been taken that night months before.

This man though hadn't at all been surprised by her kidnapping. Her family and friends all believed that she'd run away, which is what he'd wanted. Every individual detail had been planned by him, all that had happened, was something he had been wanting to happen.

Emily's car breaking down wasn't an accident. A friend of his had sabotaged the engine so it would break down during her journey home. It had been perfect too, having stopped outside Harrys house. it was just what he'd wanted.

This was only the beginning though.


Waking up with a pounding headache was something I hadn't felt in a while. Last time it was because I'd hit my head from being kidnapped. I breathed in then out deeply, inhaling the fresh smell of clean sheets I was bundled in.

I was thankful to find that I was alone and it looked as though it had been for the night. I must admit, I felt surprisingly good after last night. Colton and I had been up for a couple of hours sharing a bottle of alcohol and talking, finishing off with a film on his computer.

Yeah, I know I should have had other things on my mind but after the crap I'd been through a bit of alcohol and the chance to talk to somebody really helped. He seemed like a decent guy and he had really seemed to cheer me up.

So after having a quick shower and chucking on the clothing I'd been left, I headed downstairs to where I could hear the tv blaring, only to see the blonde haired bloke.

He lifted his head at the sound of my footsteps, to which I beamed him a tiny smile.

"Good morning," I greeted quietly, sitting myself down beside him with my legs crossed, looking up to the tv to see an older episode of The Simpsons was playing. I tutted, though with a grin I commented, "The Simpsons huh? little old for that?"

"Never," he returned the smile only to face the tv again.

I lifted my hand to my mouth, holding onto my bottom lip with my thumb and index finger carefully as I watched the show, though I wasn't really taking a thing of it in. I was mainly thinking about how I wasn't staying with Harry anymore. No being held at gunpoint while talking to my parents, no being forcefed old food. I hated to think of what could have happened if Colton hadn't arrived with the other people when he did.

With me in that hideous maids outfit, obviously meant as a kinky sex outfit, god knows what could have happened.

"So Emily, I was thinking that because its been so long since you've talked to anybody that you actually know, that you could possibly call someone?" he suggested to me, breaking me from my train of thoughts.

I was surprised to say the least. It had felt like forever since I had talked to anybody. My parents who had thought that I had run off, my friends.. God I missed them all. Especially Liam.

Tell me why the hell I hadn't accepted the ride home from him that night? If I had I wouldn't have endured what I'd had to put up with those long few weeks. But I was a dummy. A dummy that hadn't expected for any of this to have happened.

I soon enough realised I had become preoccupied with my thoughts and Colton was staring at me expectantly, waiting for an answer. This wasn't an uncommon thing for me.

So I eagerly nodded my head, a beaming grin forming on my face. It felt nice to smile again and to have a reason to do so. "Please. Yes I would love to, definitely." I responded, having to force myself not to act as excited as I really was. Of course I felt excited but i didn't want to seem weird.

He smiled in a rather funny way before grabbing his cellphone from on the arm of the couch, unlocking it before he passed it towards me. "Not too long, okay? I have to sort out some things on that soon," Colton said before standing himself up, taking his mug of coffee out into what I think was the kitchen.

So as not to waste any time before making the phone call, I quickly dialled in the phone number I hoped was still his. Liam was the type of guy that seemed to change his phone or his number almost monthly due to some accident or whatever. I breathed out in relief though when I heard his voice answer the phone. It took all I had not to burst into ttears due to the overwhelming feelings that were trying to take over me.

"Liam? Is that you? Oh my God, it's me, Emily," I told him, my breathing deep to stop me from tearing up and my hands shivering.

There was a long pause, almost as if he wasnt sure it was actually me.

Finally he asked, his voice slow, "Emily? what th- Where the hell have you been? I haven't seen you in two damn months and you call up now? without a goodbye even too! Jeez, I ended up being told by your Mum that you weren't coming back dammit," he said, concern evident in his voice as he demanded an answer. 

He was mainly just concerned about why on earth he hadn't been told by me that I was 'leaving town'. He didn't know that I hadn't left willingly. 

I swallowed back firmly and looked to my bare feet, holding the phone tightly. "I uh, can I talk about it later? it's a bit of a long story. Basically though, I was taken against my will though. I had to tell my mother that. Please, please don't tell my family I've said this, I don't want them to worry," I almost pleaded, my voice trembling.

"I don't know if I can hide that Emily. Fuck, they've been so upset with you. They have to know-" He started to say before I stopped him.

"No Liam, if you care about me you won't say a word. at least let me have a chance to when i see them," I said, surprisingly relaxed.

The rest of this conversation I let Liam talk about the things in his life that had gone on. He'd gotten a girlfriend, Mary, and a dog which sounded nice. It allowed me to just feel happy for him and not stress about when I could see the people I loved again.

It was good.


Sorry for the incredibly long wait, I wasn't sure quite how to finish the chapter but I've had ideas for a while now.

Hope you enjoy!

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