Chapter 16.

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I found myself waking up in the room I'd been in weeks before. I was back at Harrys. I was in that dark, dingy, cold room. I hated it. The only difference was that this time I wasn't the only one in the room.

"Mum!" I called out a louder whisper, moving to crawl over to where she was passed out on the other side of the room before finding I couldn't. I looked down to see there was a solid metal cuff around my ankle, connected to the wall by a short chain.

The last thing I could remember before being taken here was that I was on the ground, my hands tied behind my back before being forced to drink something. I still couldn't tell you what it was, but whatever was in it made me pass out.

I kicked my leg in frustration away from the wall as though I had the strength to break the chain. It didn't work and only left me with a rather sore ankle. I looked around the room, hoping that he'd left something around the room, to either keep me occupied and not go into a panic, or to pick at the locked cuff around my ankle. Unfortunately there was nothing there.

I was worried for my fathers safety because he wasn't in here. Where the hell was he?

I adjusted myself so I was comfortable before choosing to yell at the top of my lungs, "Harry! Liam! Anyone?!"

I didn't want to talk to them but I knew I had to. I needed to make sure my Dad was safe, I had to. 

After silence and surprisingly nothing from my mother I heard footsteps coming from upstairs. The door opened only to see Harry there. In some ways I was happy it was him and not Liam. I had never imagined myself saying that before.

Soon he was stood infront of me, crouching onto his knees. He rested an elbow on his knee and kept his eyes on me for a moment.

"Yes? Is there a reason you won't keep your piehole shut?" Harry asked, scratching at his knee over his denim jeans.

I gave a quiet nod in return to him. "Yeah, there is. I want to know what you've all done with my father," I replied, trying to keep calm despite how jagged and unsteady my breathing was becoming. I was terrified for his wellbeing.

Harry merely smiled, leaning in close to my ear. His warm lips brushed against the lobe of my ear, causing my body to shiver slightly.

"You sure you want to know, baby girl?" He whispered, the nickname causing me to show a look of pure disgust. In any other circumstance it would be bearable but now was not the time. Especially since it was him saying it.

I nodded my head, although there was a side of me that was absolutely petrified to go.
He puckered his lips out before he grabbed something from his pocket. It was a key, slim and silver. He unlocked the cuff around my ankle before pulling me up with ease, his hand clutching tightly onto my forearm.

"How about I go show you, yeah?" He offered, a rather devious look in his eyes. I was reluctant to go with him but I needed to know my fathers fate. Whether he was beaten badly or, dare I say it, even dead. I clenched my teeth at the thought of that, trying to force myself not to panic myself at it. They weren't that bad were they?

Who the fuck was I kidding? Of course they were. They were screwed in the head enough to trick me into thinking I was safe at last, only to bring my parents into this.

I was led by him up the stairs, his hand remaining around my arm with enough force to leave a feeling of discomfort. Possibly a bruise too, although he wouldn't care.

We stopped by a door I never even realised was there, possibly because because I hadn't ever been around this part of the house before. He unlocked it and shoved me inside, only for me to see the room was filled with monitors and computers of sorts. It looked like something from inside a building, perhaps something in a spy film.

I knew it was just so the sick men could watch their victims suffering.

My eyes stopped on a computer screen on the far right, with a figure pacing around the room. He was covered in blood, clutching a knife in his hand. It was silent before I was given a fright, a loud, manic laugh having left the mans mouth.


I looked to where there was something slumped down in the corner of the room in the screen, blood seeping from under a blanket draped over it.

My face fell and I looked up to Harry who was looking at his thumbnail.

"Is that..?" I started, covering up my mouth with my hand. I think I was going to be sick.

Harry only grinned widely, nodding his head slowly. "That's your Pa, yeah. Dead. The bastard got what he deserved for not cooperating," he said. It was disgusting really to see how calm one could be regarding a situation like this. How was it possible.

Before I could think about my actions I ran towards him, beating my tightened fists against the his solid chest.

"You monster! How could you?!" I screamed out, beating my fists against him as hard as I could. He still wasn't phased. I chose not to hide my tears, the water blurring my vision so I could see nothing but blurred shapes and colours.

He couldn't be gone. Harry was lying. It was all a lie right? Just some cruel trick. Just like they'd done with her 'leaving'. It was a joke, an awful one at that, but still a joke.

Sadly I knew it wasn't all a joke. No matter how much I wanted to pray and beg and demand that he was okay, I couldn't. I knew my father was gone, all because of the man I used to call my best friend.

I tired myself out and finally Harry grasped onto my wrists in his large hands. He was completely unaffected by my words and by my actions. I didn't care.

"Take me to him. You killed my father, at least let me see him, hold him one last time," I demanded, my voice gentle and weak. I was too upset now and too tired to say a thing. I'd taken my anger out on him vaguely, screaming and hitting him.

"Fine," he shrugged his shoulders a little before pulling me out of the room. I was scared to see my fathers body, I didn't want to but I knew I had to confirm it. I didn't want to hope and hope it was a trick if he truly was gone.

It was all my fault.

It wasn't as bad as I'd told myself it would be, it was horrible of course, but I was thankful it had been done with at least a little respect. If it could be said like that. I crouched down on the floor beside him, pulling my fathers head to rest on my lap. My fingers brushed through his hair and I quickly pulling it. The back of it was sticky with blood. He'd been pushed or hit by something with a great force.

I felt myself tear up again, ignoring Harry who was stood behind me and Liam who had rushed off to clean up.

"I'm sorry Daddy, I'm so sorry," I sobbed quietly, clutching onto his body. Blood was seeping from his chest, his skin cold and slightly pale. At least compared to the way he normally looked.

I couldn't let my mother end up this way, I refused to. I had to do something, I couldn't let them rip my mother from me like this.

I had to at least get her out of here no matter what, whether that be with me or not.


I feel like this is a reasonably sized chapter? 1300+ words 😁! Hopefully to make up for my previously shitty update schedule 😊

I felt better so I chose to update, which I hope is good enough for you all?

Comment and potentially vote if you think it's deserved please and I'd greatly appreciate it! If you see any mistakes don't hesitate to mention, I'm currently exhausted but I wanted to update.

Thanks! 😘

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