Chapter 4

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Lana's POV

"Mine!" He growled

You got to be fucking kidding me

"Mate mate mate!" Sky chanted over and over.

"Why aren't you going to him " She snaped at me but i kept my expression blank.

"I'm sorry Sky but he has something i want and im gonna take it ...i promise i wont kill him " i told her but she growled and then started howling so i cut the link between us.

"Attack but leave the alpha to me!" I shouted through the mind link. I smile at Bryan before i turned and started walking to the alpha who just stood there with a smirk.I'll love nothing more than to slap it of him face.

"Your Alpha Maxwell?...but your girl" He asked with the stupid smirk still on his face. I tackled him to the gound and pinned him.

"I can assure you that I don't hit like a girl"I replied. His eyes are a bright blue and slowly getting darker.The mating pull is a bitch.

"So kinky, I like it..." He drawled.

"Listen cause I'm only gonna say this once have the choice of accepting rejection and leave or accepting rejection but stay and join the packs..." I growled and i saw the smrik fall right off his face.He was hurt and i could see it in his eyes but i didnt care.

"If you only dare Lana I'm done " Sky said barked out it send shivers down my spine.

" about this I stay and join our packs and then at the end of, six months and I'm convinced you don't have feelings for me then I'll accept it" he retorted. He then flipped us over so his body was now covering mine.I started feeling tingles running through my body.His eyes are now black with lust.

"Three months"

"Four months"


"Ok fine three months it is" he said accepting defeat.

" Now get the fuck off of me" I growled, pushing him off .

"Stop!...they're with us." I commended.

I got up and looked for Bryan. I see him approaching shirtless and covered in blood.

"Lana you ok?" I could hear the concern in his voice. I nodded and he pulled me in a bone crushing hug.

I heard a low growl from behind me. I pulled alway and gleared at him.

"Bryan this is...?" I looked at my mate waiting for him to say his name but all he did was glear at Bryan.If looks could kill, Bryan would be six feet under.

He then turn to me and his eyes softened, " name is Isaac"
"Oook Bryan this is Isaac the alpha of the thier pack.....and Isaac this Bryan my beta" I replied. Ok the tension level here is getting higher.

"Are you sure that's all he is? " Isaac said firmly, It caught me off guard.I couldn't tell him Bryan and I are involved because then he'll lose his shit and that would be bad for the both of them.

I turned to Bryan and smile "Could you do me a favor and see who needs Doc" i ask softly.
He was hesitant but he nod and walked away.

As I turned to Isaac he was already closing the space between us. He grabbed my arm and pulled me behind a tree. He put his hand on the both sides of me caging me in.
My heart is beating a mile a minute right now but my bored expression didn't change.

He lowered his head until his warm breath is fanning my lips.I want to kiss him so badly,to feel his soft lips against mine.He brought his lips to my ear and whispered," Are you fucking him" his voice was low and rough, i instantly knew that his wolf was taking over.

"W-what" i choked out. I was starting to get nervous. Anytime my father's wolf took over he would rape over and over.I try not to think it because i alway end up killing something.I'd like to hope Issac won't hurt me like that but one can never be sure.

"Your beta ARE YOU FUCKING HIM" he said rather calmly which was even more unnerving.I shouldn't piss him off rite now but Im an alpha too and I'm not going to show fear im the strongest alpha in the northern fucking hemisphere ,He will respect me.

"Thats none of your business" i said with a cocky smile which i know is pissing off even more but i don't care I'm gonna keep going it.

"It is my business your mine " I can tell he's fighting to keep his wolf under control.
"I'm not yours...I'm free game" He started shaking with anger.I tried pushing pass him but he held me in place.

"Issac let me pass" I said in my alpha tone but the prick smirked.
"It wont work on me love" I would love to rip his heart out his chest and i probably would have if it wasn't for the promise i made Sky.

So I'll try a different approach.
"Baby...i need to go i have things to do" i cooed and ran my fingers through his hair.He groaned and pop me off the ground wrapped my legs around his waist.

"No! He'll touch you...I don't want him touching you." he whispered as kissed down my neck making me moan.He smile against my neck and continued his assault.
"He won't but I really have to go"he growled in approval and when he reached my weak spot sparks ignited through body.

"For his sake I hope so " he immediately put me down. My knees are so weak i could bearly stand.He just walked away and left me there.

I need a drink.

It gonna be a long three months.

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