Chapter 31

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"Aria right?" I heard a voice and looked up to see straight into two green eyes. I groaned internally and shook my head. This day couldn't get any worse. My dad had called again wanting to speak to me about signing the papers and then I had literally run into Sean. Imagine the awkwardness. I ran away before he could speak or do anything. And now I was sitting at a cafe staring at my half eaten croissant.

"Hey." He said taking the seat in front of me.


"Not very happy to see me?"

"What do you want, Jason?" I wasn't interested in making small talk.

"Why would you think I wanted anything?" The way he said it seemed like he was talking about something else. Something completely different. What with the smirk on his face and all. "Okay. Just chill." He said after I looked at him in confusion. "I came in, saw you sitting here all alone and decided to give you company."

"I don't need your company."

"Someone's in a mood."

"Look, Jason. I am really not interested in making small talk and keeping up a conversation right now." Does this guy not get it? I didn't want to talk to him. Period. Being around him made me even more guilty than I was.

"I won't disturb you. You can continue with your mopping and staring at your food while I'll just eat my burger here." He took a bite of his burger then giving me a weird look.

God! This was annoying. "Fine. Whatever. Suit yourself." I decided to ignore him and picked up my croissant to eat. After a few seconds of him staring at me and me becoming uncomfortable, I had had enough of it. I looked up at him annoyed, "What. Do. You. Want?"

"Nothing." He grinned. He had the audacity to grin! Argh! This guy was going to make me pull out my hair.

"You are so annoying!" I exclaimed and he chuckled.

"You are very easy to annoy." He didn't even deny it.

"Why me? Go annoy someone else." I tried shooing him but it only made him laugh harder.

"Nah. I prefer annoying you."

He was getting on my very last nerve. "I hate to disappoint you then. I am leaving." I gritted out as I stood up and placed my backpack on my shoulder. When I turned someone caught my hand and pulled me backwards.

"Sorry. I was just kidding. You were here first I should leave." Well I never took him for a gentleman. He started gathering his things and I suddenly felt guilt poking my conscience. Grudgingly I spoke, "It's okay. You don't have to leave."

No sooner had the words left my mouth that he was already making himself comfortable in the seat in front of mine. "Thanks." He said and resumed his eating.

I stared at him in shock. He had literally no shame. Here he was gobbling up his burger with no care in the world while I was still standing. "Take a picture. It lasts longer." He said in between his bites not even glancing up to look at me.

I sat down in my seat irritated and said, "How original."

"I try." And then he looked up at me to smirk at me just as I expected. He was so predictable.

We sat in silence for a little while. I finished my croissant while he swallowed his burger. The way he was eating there was no other way to describe it.

"So why you all upset? And don't even try to deny it."

I shook my head too tired to come up with an explanation.

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