Chapter 3

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The next thing I remember is standing in front of the gymnasium.

I opened the door slowly and peeped inside. I could see Caroline and a few other girls, who I recognized as ones who were also from the tryouts. Breathing a sigh of relief that this wasn’t some terrible confrontation I lean against the door.

“Oh there you are, late as usual. Now could you do us the honour and stand here. Caroline cooed in her vamp like voice making me red from embarrassment.

“Sure” I mumble and walk up there like an idiot. When I reached there I saw that Miss Lily was also there. She is our English teacher and is very sweet. I know that as long as she was there Caroline couldn’t do anything bad to me and I relaxed. How was I supposed to know that I was terribly wrong?

“Good evening children. I’m sorry you had to stay back at such short notice. I won’t take much of your time. Go on Caroline.” Miss Lily looked really sweet and sorry when she said that.

“Well. I guess that you all have qualified as cheer-leaders and I welcome you to the cheer-squad. Don’t get too excited because if anyone of you does not live up to our expectations then we will have to remove you.” She pauses to look at me while saying the last part then continues “So, you will come to know the timings and days for the practice tomorrow at homeroom. Thank you and goodbye for now.”

After saying that she just stomped off but just before she stepped out of the room she turned to look at me and mouthed “Watch out bitch.”

God! What am I supposed to do with her? Why does she hate me so much? I must have looked pretty upset because right then Miss Lily came to me and said “I thought you would be happy like the others Aria. How come you look dull?” She had to shout to speak to me over the screaming girls. The effort seemed to have tired her.

“I am happy ma’am; it is just that I had a really tiring day and want to sleep it off. I am actually happy.”

I tried to smile my best smile and hoped she wouldn’t see through it. But my worry wasn’t required for she smiled broadly, congratulated me, apologized again for making us stay and then left to congratulate the others.

After that I all but ran out of the gymnasium. As I was walking towards the bus stop, I was surprised to find Damon waiting there with his car, looking at me.

“What are you still doing here? You didn’t go home yet?” I tried to sound angry as I didn’t want him to think I couldn’t handle Caroline but I was actually more than relieved to see him.

“What did she want?” He asks, clearly ignoring my question. But once he realizes I am going to stand my ground and not budge till he replies he gives up with a scoff.

“I couldn’t leave you here after all that had already happened. I wanted to make sure that I left you home safely.” He looks genuinely concerned.

“Aw, Damon. You know you didn’t have to do that right?” All my anger fades away when I see that he is actually worried.

“Yeah but still I wanted to. Anyways now answer my question. What did she want?”

“Well. I got selected in the cheer-squad. Now I am officially a cheer-leader.”

“Wow! Aria! You got selected! Now we’ll see each other a lot more than usual. Don’t look so gloomy it’s a good thing and even you know I won’t let anyone do anything to you, then why are you so sad?”

“Nothing Damon, it’s just that I didn’t want to actually go for the tryouts and I didn’t even want to get selected. Now that I’ve gotten selected I don’t know why I should even join. I didn’t want this!” I was starting to blabber now.

“Shut up. You got selected and you are joining. That’s it. End of conversation. Now get in the car.”

Seeing as I didn’t really have an option, I scoffed and sat in the car. Not without pouting though. Damon looked very serious and the entire ride back he didn’t speak a word. When we finally reached my house I got down and went inside as fast as possible to escape the awkwardness that was suddenly there between me and Damon. 


I am so excited!! Hope you guys are too!

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