Chapter 2

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"Well, I'll see you at lunch then." Damon had dropped me till my class and was walking back; that's when I realized Caroline was staring at me. I knew that I was in big trouble then and there because having Caroline look at you is not a good thing, not with me at least.

"You have to report to the gymnasium after school." Hell. She looked mad.

"Yeah sure, but why?" I am so dead.

"You'll know soon enough." That's it and she went back to ignoring me. I don't know what's up, but I am pretty sure it's not a good thing. Does my day always have to be so bad?

Mr. Saltzman had just entered the class and the first thing he did was as usual, grin and look around. It is a habit of his to grin and look at the children.

"Good morning class. Get ready to get a surprise, actually two of them. One: you are about to have a surprise quiz right now and two: I'll tell you after you've finished the test."

Damn! I hadn't touched algebra at all. I wasn't sure of passing but when I saw the paper I realized it was pretty much everything he had taught in the class. So, I would pass alright.

After we had finished our quiz we waited patiently to hear the second surprise and what he told actually surprised us all

"Children your surprise number two is that you are all getting to go on a trip to New York."

That's what the surprise was and that was enough for people to turn the place upside down. The guys decided about all the fun they could have and the girls talked about what they would wear and what they could buy.

I guess I was a bit left alone because I don't come in such categories. I was surprised for sure but mine was a little in the wrong way because I go to New York almost every year as my dad stays there and he wants to spend time with me.

I knew he was going to be really happy about this and come over to our trip. I had to get out of this somehow. It's not that I don't love my dad but it's just that sometimes he gets all worked up and it's not a pretty sight.

The next few hours seemed to pass by in a swirl. During lunch all everyone could talk about was this trip and as I walked down to our usual table I knew Damon realized what was the problem with me because just then he put his arm on my shoulder and said "You don't have to go. If you want even I'll not go. It's okay, we both will have a great time here."

I realized that he was doing all this just for me and felt bad.

"No need Damon. You can go, I'll be fine and you know I'll be fine because I'll have my books with me!" I tried to sound cheery but it was nothing close. My sarcasm was terrible and as was expected Damon saw right through it.

"Aria, come on. I know you and you are my best friend. I'll not leave you alone. Even I have been to New York many times before. Remember the summer when we bumped into each other? So it's no big deal for me. If you are not going then even I'm not going."

He looked very adamant about what he had said and I knew that I had no choice but to accept it.

"Yeah I do remember. I guess there is nothing I can say to change your mind. Do as you please."

I sat quietly and finished my lunch.

"What's wrong with you two love-birds?" came the voice of Bob, the jerk of our school. Bob Marley was the biggest jerk of Spring-dale High School.

"It's none of your business, Bob. Just get out of here." Damon was angry.

"Oh, so you and your girlfriend are having a fight huh? But where is the drama?"

That's it, Bob had crossed the line because in the very next second Damon had got up and slapped Bob right across his cheek and then landed a punch in his guts. Just as he was about to kick him, Caroline appeared and seeing what was happening came in between Bob and Damon.

"No more of this fighting guys."

With that said Bob went back to his table and left us alone. Damon stomped back to the table and slumped in his chair. But Caroline was not done.

"Damon you know how your fighting today has just led everyone to believe that you two are actually dating."

If looks could kill then I'd surely be dead right now because while saying 'you too' she looked at me and was practically shooting daggers through her eyes. But Damon didn't seem to notice.

"Well thanks for the information Caroline."

Caroline just stood there waiting for him to say something but when he didn't say anything she just stomped off. But right before doing that she said "Don't forget to come to the gymnasium."

Yeah I was practically given my death warrant then and there. Why? Why couldn't she just leave me alone? Gosh, that's something I'll never understand. I look sneakily at Damon wishing he hadn't heard the last statement but the damage was done.

Damon whipped his head up and looked at me in surprise.

"What in the hell does she mean by that?"

"Well. I don't really know. In algebra today she told me that I was supposed to go to the gymnasium after school."

"Better be careful. You know how she is. Do you want me to be there?"

"No. It's okay. I'll be alright."

With that said we went to our classes because the bell had rung but I knew Damon was worried.

A/N: Hey guys! Check out the beautiful cover made by @InfinityFairy . Thank you so much!

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