Chapter 14

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(Aria's P.O.V)

I entered my home smiling. I could hear his engine roar to life before he pulled out of my driveway. What an eventful day! I smack myself on my head lightly for having that panic attack. But my mind dwells elsewhere. I can only think about the part when he asked me out. I mean Sean asked me out! I never thought this would have happened. I started blushing once I remembered the intimate scene that took place in his car.

“Ahem.” My mom stood in the doorway smiling knowingly. “I haven’t even started asking and you are already blushing.” She winked at me making me blush even more.

I started moving towards the stairs in a hurry but she caught my hand firmly. Wow! When did my mom get so fast? I turn around and find myself face to face with someone entirely different.

“Where do you think you are going?” She winks and pushes my jaw so as to close my wide open mouth. In my defence, I was very surprised to find her here.

“Um. To my room?” I started moving quickly to escape but she was too fast.

“No way. Details first!” She grinned as I groaned.

“Have you thought of joining the track team Reese?” I asked as she pulled me or to be precise dragged me along with her to the living room.

“Maybe but cheer-leading is all I need for now. Now come on, start spilling.”

Just as I was about to start she said, “Oh. And don’t miss out the juicy details.”

I groaned and slumped back on the couch as I watched two very excited teenage girls in front of me waiting not-so patiently. Yeah there was only one teenager but my mom was acting like one too.

“Nothing happened.” I closed my eyes as I said this. I really wasn’t willing to look at their faces because then I knew that I would end up telling them everything. Well I am that kind of a person. Can’t help it.

Aria?” My mom drawled knowing I would look at her and when I did she gave me her one look that I can’t deny, her I’m-so-innocent-I-think-I-deserve-this look, making me groan and her to smile wickedly. And just when I thought it couldn’t get worse she shared a high five with Reese. I looked at her shocked and she just said, “What? Don’t judge. I need my gossip. Now please continue.”

And what do I do? I oblige but obviously not with the information they are dying for. Grinning like an evil scheming scientist I start. “Have any of you seen Sean’s house? It is huge. I mean it is practically a mansion with wooden flooring, antique furniture, French windows and exotic paintings.” I grin slightly at the end. “And the stairs? They are so nice...”

“Oh come on. Please Aria. We are dying here.” Reese groaned cutting me off.

“Okay okay. I’ll tell you. Sean’s parents were amazing you know? Vanessa and George made me feel right at home.”

And then I continued telling them about my evening in detail and paused right before telling them about the visit to the forest. Technically we didn’t really visit the forest but still you get what I mean. I blush at the sudden memory and before I can hide it I am caught.

“What happened then? I know something happened. You are blushing. Spill!” Reese is practically jumping and my mom is sitting on the edge of her chair trying to look calm but failing terribly. I sigh and start telling them, modifying it just a little bit.

“And then when we both were in the car Sean asked me to be his girlfriend.” I tried to keep a straight face when I could feel my lips dying to be pulled into a smile.

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