Chapter 1

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First of all thank you for deciding to read this novel. You are the best.
And now, coming to the point. This is my first novel ever and it means a lot to me. So please give it a chance before deciding to not read it.
Sure it has few grammatical errors and needs editing, which I'll be getting to asap, but just give it a try.
It may get a little boring or confusing in the middle but trust me it'll get better if you continue and you'll understand everything. It'll be worth your time.
Anyway, I'm sure most of you would have skipped the author's note but thanks to the ones that read it.


I can't believe this! Mum has done it again. I found her reading my diary! When I asked her about it she said she was just searching for her book. I mean seriously! I just found her doing the same thing only a week or so ago. When I started explaining to her that she can't just do things like this, she began all her drama with "Oh! So you think I was spying. I am so hurt with your impression of me. I thought that after all the freedom and privacy I give you, you would at least have some trust in me."

Why does she have to do this? Why does she have to do this every time? God! She has so completely ruined my mood and my day.

I hear the honk of my friend Damon's car and get out of the house. I was relieved to see him. He can always change my mood and make me happy. I can always count on him.

Well I guess I began very suddenly, I didn't even introduce myself to you. You would know me if you were in Spring-dale High School. But I am guessing you don't go there because if you did then you wouldn't be reading this. Anyway 'Hi! I am Aria, Aria Montgomery!' Well that's it I guess. And yeah Damon Wains is my best friend. We have been friends since kindergarten and we will always remain friends.

"Hey! What's up? You are looking a little down." Damon inquired. As usual he had some way of knowing that something was up.

"Hey. Nothing it's just that i found my mum reading my diary."


"Yup. And this time when I started telling her to stay off my things, she began her usual drama about me and my trust issues. I mean seriously, my trust issues?"

"Oh damn. That must have been pretty hard on you. I remember the last time you heard that from your mom you didn't talk to anyone properly for a week. Well what can I say? I guess the nerd's mom thinks she has a boyfriend or something." Damon mocked.

He is always mocking me and that too with that stupid grin of his. I seriously want to wipe it off his face for good. Yeah I am the nerd. Well I am called that for constantly topping each year. I can't believe I am called that since I rarely study. Well what can you say, these kind of things tend to stick to you forever.

The worst part, Damon is the most popular guy in our school and I am the nerd. Whenever we both are walking and one of those pretty cheerleader arrives, they just talk to him and ignore me like I am not even standing there. Over that Damon is a swimmer and a basketball player. I mean how can a guy have so many talents and me none?!

"Please, shut up. I am already having a bad time with the tryouts and all. And with it now this also. God, I am so on the edge."

It was really starting to get to me. With the cheer-leading tryouts that my mum and Damon together were putting me into, it was pretty obvious that people gave me a hard time and especially Caroline, Caroline Stone.

If anyone asks me if I have seen the devil, I would be sure to reply yes, She is the worst person ever. Even the devil would be surprised by her evilness. She gets everything she wants other than Damon. He acts like he doesn't even know she likes him and that's what gets her mad. This all leads to her enmity against me since Damon is always hanging around with me. She loves to give me a hard time especially now that she has got a chance. I so hate her. On top of that she is the one taking care of the tryouts. Oh did i forget to mention she is the cheer-captain? My life is amazing!

"Oh! Yeah. I forgot about that. How's it going? It would be nice to see you dancing for me rather than cheering from the bleachers."

"Damon, you are seriously getting on my nerves now." By now we had reached the parking lot and all the girls were starting to come over to escort Damon, like I said he is POPULAR.

"I'll walk down from here, I'll see you at lunch if you are not preoccupied with Caroline." I grin and start to get down but Damon catches my hand and stops me.

"Aria, I always drop you till your class and you know I don't like Caroline. Then why do you keep bringing it up?"

Damon has been getting a little weird these days.

"Dude. Chill. I was just kidding. And the whole school knows how much she is into you. It's just you who doesn't notice it. And what's got you so worked up? I always kid around."

"Nothing. It's just that I didn't get my sleep. Come on, let's go."

"Oh yeah, your sleep. I forgot all about that."

He puts his arm around me and we started walking. Don't get me wrong. We both are friends and nothing else. The arm thing is something we've been doing since we were kids. And the sleep thing, you wouldn't want me to get started on that because no one, i repeat, no one can ever get away with ruining Damon's sleep. He requires his sleep no matter what. His six hours sleep decides his mood.


A/N: Hey guys! I hope you liked it. Please give me all your feedback's! I would love to know what you think about it. Even suggestions are welcome! Please don't hesitate.

I will continue writing and if you like what I write, do let me know.

I am way too excited and eager to know what you think so don't hold back.


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