Wild Wax

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* This is about loving someone you can't have.

His warm words melt her heart like wild wax wickedly walking

down a corrosive candle, brutality burning her porcelain skin.

His terrifying touch sends shivers down her spine as his

luscious lips linger lightly across her crimson cheeks.

Her body becomes silently still as her brittle bones become

fiercely frozen from his treacherous, trembling touch.

The vicious voices running rapidly though her head

suddenly stop as his electrifying eyes

gaze into her searing, scarred, shaken soul.

His luscious lips linger on her pink, pastel pout

which silently squeezes her hammering heart.

Suddenly stopping the ravishing red river

from flowing through her broken body.

He tightly touches her swollen, breasts.

as he wildly whispers in her ear,

making sure no one can hear

that he wickedly wishes she was his.

A tragic tear fiercely falls down her face

as the trembling truth breaks through the barrier in her brain.

Realizing that he will never be hers,

because his charismatic charm has already carefully captured

another wicked, wonderful woman.

And she already belongs to a magnificent man.

But she knows she will never forget

the tremendous taste of his lips on her searing skin

and how his warm words melted her heart like wild wax

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