Burning Bride

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*This is about "bride burning" which happens to women in countries like India when their families are unable to provide a bigger dowry to their husbands families. I wrote an essay regarding this topic during my fourth year in University and it was one of the hardest to write, this poem was no different. Hopefully this issue along with violence against women will end all over the world.

Fierce furious flames,

Deliriously dance on her fragile face,

Swiftly stinging and sharply searing

her screeching, scorched skin.

Lavishly licking off the flaring flesh,

From her battered and broken bones,

Wildly wiping away her exquisite existence.

Vicious venomous voices,

Loudly laugh at her blistered body,

Crudely cheering and conceitedly chortling

At the beautiful, burning bride.

Secretly slicing her herniated heart,

Inside her charred and cauterized corpse,

Wickedly watching her deliberately die.

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