Jon's First Impression

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Sutton invites Jon in. Maybe he could help her, if he can't, no harm is done.

Jon is thankful for the invite and follows Sutton into her kitchen, where Petunia shuffles around, making snacks for the new visitor, but not her normal snacks.

Jon sits down beside Sutton, studying her as they wait.

He notices her long, silky, shoulder length hair. The lightness of the brown glinted gold in the harsh lighting. She changed it since her videos.

Her posture was sad. She wasn't holding herself up, like she did in her videos with the guys.

Sutton met his gaze and their eyes locked. Jon felt giddy, like a little kid about to open presents on Christmas. The butterflies filling his stomach.
Her eyes were green, flecked with blue, like drops of water on a leaf.
He melted inside as their gazes dropped and he felt the temptation to hold Sutton's hand.

He's knocked out of his day dream as Petunia sets down lemonade and watermelon in front of them.

"So," Sutton takes a sip of her lemonade,"how are you going to help me?"

"Um, how do you need help?" Jon questioned back, just a little flustered after forgetting why he was there.

"I don't know, you showed up at my door," Sutton answered.

"Okay, well, since the, uh, guys left you, I was thinking you could sing songs with me," Jon fumbled for the right words, ultimately failing in all ways possible.

"First of all, don't speak of the guys. Second of all, I don't want to be just publicity for you," Sutton snaps.

"Someone's sensitive," Jon raises his eyebrows, turning away.

"Huh?" Sutton says, giving Jon a chance to change what he said.

"Uh, I just said that it wouldn't be just publicity to me. I want to be your friend," Jon says, going after the words to fix it.

"Yeah, okay," Sutton nods her head, taking a bite of the bright red watermelon.

Jon takes the hint of sarcasm as Sutton sets her hand on the counter.

"Come with me," Jon says.


"Come with me."

"Where exactly?" Sutton says still stunned from the first time he said it.

"To my concerts," Jon says with an attitude as if it was obvious.

"Um, I don't know you," Sutton says.

"Well, let's get to know each other," Jon touches Sutton's hand lightly. Sutton feels a spark reverberate through her body.

"And how? Would you stay at my house over the summer? Are you willing to stay with me and not run off?" Sutton says, being cunningly adorable in Jon's eyes.

"Yes, yes I would."

"It's okay if you don't- wait, did you say yes?" Sutton looks at Jon.


"Oh, okay," Sutton pulls her hand away from his finally. "But what are we gonna do?"

"Who's doing what?" Sutton's mom walks in.

"Oh, mom, is is Jon Klaasen, former member of FIYM. Jon this is my mom, Cordelia," Sutton introduces the two.

"Former member of FIYM? And call me mom if you want, hun," Cordelia says. "Sutton, can you get my purse from my study?"

"Yeah," Sutton leaves the room.

"Listen here, Jon. If you hurt my baby girl like FIYM did, I will hurt you," Cordelia threatened, showing a side Sutton has never seen.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help her get over that," Jon states, not even fazed.

"Okay, but where are you guys going?"

"Hopefully..." Jon whispers the place into her ear and Cordelia smiles.

"She'll love it, I'll give y'all a ride tomorrow," Cordelia winks.

"Why are you giving us a ride?" Sutton walks back in handing the purse to her mom.

"So you can go somewhere tomorrow," Cordelia says.

"Uh, okay. Oh, and, can Jon stay with us? For the summer? Kind of like FIYM," Sutton shutters, "but you know, with one person instead of three."

"Sure, he can stay in the game room upstairs," and Cordelia walks out the door with her purse.

"Game room?" Jon asks stunned.

"Yeah, FIYM made it out of our attic," Sutton finds it easier to mention the guys with ease each time she says it.

"Oh," Jon says, following Sutton up the stairs.

"So, we are we going tomorrow?" Sutton smiles at Jon behind her. He almost trips on the last step as he falls in love with her glittering smile.

"It's a surprise," he smiles back at her.

They walk the rest of the way in silence.
That night Jon thinks of Sutton, how she could be sarcastic and cute at the same time; mad but oh so adorable. He couldn't wait to spend the whole summer with a girl as amazing as Sutton.

A/N: Sorry this isn't really a what-he-thinks-chapter but I had to write stuff to keep it going. Where will they go tomorrow?...

Published 1/20/16

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