Is That... Sutton?

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The guys lounged in their California home, watching TV. Chloe and Bailee were in the kitchen making cookies and the aroma filled the room. But the relaxed feeling left when there were anxious footsteps coming into the room.

"You guys have to see this," Bailee handed Emery the magazine in her hand. The guys sat up, seeing what she was so worked up about.

They scanned the page, only seeing a few pictures of Jon with his new girl and non-captivating  captions.

"What about it?" Ricky asked, looking up at the girls.

"Actually read the captions under Jon's pictures," Bailee said, getting annoyed at their summer laziness.

"That can't be," Liam said sadly, as the guys did double takes.

"And listen to what their suspecting," Bailee said.

"Sutton Jay hits the red carpet with her new guy, Jon Klaasen. Is the YouTube sensation making a final come back from FIYM? Or is it an act to get their attention?" Emery read, quoting the magazine.

"We have to go see her, now," Liam demanded.

"No, Liam, if she's with Jon she's probably going on tour with him," Chloe told him.

"Yeah, but it's worth a try to find her and talk to her, right?" Ricky asked, hoping the girls would agree. They always seemed to know what was right and for the better.

"I guess we could try," Bailee answered after her and Chloe exchanged looks.
After a few hours, the five had tickets to Jon's next meet and greet in 2 days.
"We're almost there," Ricky said, looking back at the guys.

"Almost to Sutton," Liam said to himself.

They were soon ushered into the room where Jon and Sutton stood, hand in hand. Liam's happiness of seeing Sutton started dwindling.

"It was nice to meet you-" Sutton saw the guys in front of her, dropping her sentence to the last fan.

"Really guys?" Jon looked at them in disbelief, taking a step in front of Sutton as if to protect her from them.

"We just need to talk to Sutton," Ricky explained, trying to reason with them.

"Why?" Jon asked.

"Jon, you continue greeting fans. I can handle them," Sutton leads the guys, Bailee and Chloe into a back room. "What do you want?"

"We want to explain," Liam started.

"No, I understand completely. I wasn't good enough to be told you guys were leaving, so you ditched me and never came back," Sutton said, tears forming in her eyes, starting to choke her words.

"Sutton, it wasn't like that," Chloe tried to calm her down.

"Wasn't it though?" Sutton had tears starting to stream own her cheeks.

"No, it wasn't," Bailee took control and didn't let Sutton interrupt her like the others. "Sutton, they love you like a little sister and so do I. We didn't mean to ditch you, or make you feel that way. And I'm sorry we haven't came back, we're busy with our careers."

"Too busy for your 'little sister', huh?" Sutton stormed out. Liam caught her by the arm and pulled her towards him.

"Sutton, up you'll understand why we can't be there for you when the time comes," he whispered and she tugged her arm away, leaving them behind.

Jon walked in as Sutton left, giving them a what-did-you-do look.

"Why?" Was all Jon asked.

"We tried to explain," Emery, who hadn't spoke to Sutton himself, answered Jon.

"Not very well I see," Jon laughed.

"What do you think is so funny? She means the world to us," Ricky stepped towards Jon.

"She hates you and loves me. She'll believe anything I say," he smirked. "And I'll stop your Halloween plans so she'll stay mad at you." And then he left.

"He's going to stop us... again," Ricky sulked.

"No he's not, we'll make sure he doesn't," Chloe comforted him.

"We have a month to prepare. Let's get started," Bailee smiled and lead everyone out, back to the tour bus.

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