1 = Patrol

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"Marinette! " Alya waved over her friend from the other side of the corridor, only a few feet from their next class. Marinette was leaning against a pillar, clutching her red notebook to her chest, sighing with happiness as she stared at her all time dream boy - Adrien Agreste. The blonde was sorting out his locker, clearing out all the books that were no longer required, when, to Marinette's fury, none other than Chloe, and her little assistant shadow, Sabrina, sauntered over towards Adrien, who rolled his eyes at seeing the rich diva.
"Hey, Adrien," Chloe cooed, in that sickly sweet voice of hers. Adrien reluctantly replied. "Hi Chloe. Sabrina."

Chloe made her eyes big and attempted to make conversation with Adrien, when the blonde looked around and saw his navy-haired friend talking to Alya.

"Hey uhm, thats great but I have to go to Algebra now...Hey! Marinette! You're in my algebra class, right? " Adrien said, hurrying away from the now outraged Chloe and to the fangirling Marinette.


After the final bell rung, Marinette packed her bag, slug it over her shoulder and made her way past Nino and Adrien's desk, when something pulled on her wrist, keeping her back. Marinette looked back to see Adrien with his hand on her wrist. Her face went a deep red colour and she bit let lower lip.

"Marinette, uhm, are you busy tomorrow?" he asked innocently

"N-No, I'm free, why?" Marinette's heart was racing.

"Could I come to your house to study History? You're the only other person that I know lives nearby and studies History, and we have that exam next week.." Adrien seemed to be shy when he asked her.

Marinette blushed a deep red, but happily accepted.


The light summer evening breeze blew through Ladybug's navy blue pigtails. She looked out over the view of Paris, the Eiffel Tower lights casting a gold silhouette over the horizon.

"Isn't it beautiful?" a familiar voice spoke smoothly as he walked up to her side. "Almost as beautiful as my Lady~" Chat Noir purred in her ear. Ladybug rolled her aqua eyes. Great. More flirting.

Ladybug flicked Chat Noir's nose, causing him to flinch and shake his head. She giggled. Even though she was in love with Adrien, she had to admit, Noir could still be cute at times.

The two took off, running along the Parisian rooftops, searching for violet poisoned akumas, before they could harm any innocent people at the hands of Hawkmoth.

After hours searching, the pair found nothing. Ladybug stretched her arms in tiredness and checked the time on her Lucky YoYo Charm. 23:45. She put the small device back on her waist and sat down on the edge of a building. She leaned back on her arms and looked up into the sky, at the gleaming stars. Chat Noir plopped down beside his companion and followed her gaze.

"How many d'you think there are?" He asked, tilting his head to one side. Ladybug shrugged.
"Not a clue. Maybe one day you can find out and tell me. "

"Would you date me if I found out and told you? " he asked half-jokingly, half-hopefully.

"Maybe. " she gave him a mischievous yet clearly jokingly playful look.

"Then I'll make it my lifelong goal. " he played along and laughed.

Ladybug chuckled. She looked back up at Chat Noir and their eyes met for a few moments. She averted her eyes as one thought replayed itself over and over again in her mind.

"I hate you, Ladybug!"

Chat Noir had been infected by an anti-love arrow, thanks to Hawkmoth's Akuma. He was attacking Ladybug and attempting to seriously harm her.
Ladybug bit her lower lip as her cure for him, their kiss, wouldn't leave her thoughts. She stole another glance at the blonde, who was now counting on his fingers how many stars he could see.

Ladybug got up and bid him farewell before rushing home and transforming back into her normal outfit. Marinette loosened her blue-black hair and climbed into her bed. The last thought before she drifted off was Chat Noir's playful, gorgeous smile.

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