6 - Memory

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{Marinette PV)

I'm falling. I can feel it. My arms and legs aren't touching anything, and I can't see my surroundings. Everything is black. My heart isn't racing, though I'd expect it to, it feels suspiciously calm. What happened? Why am I like this? I dont remember falling off anything. I remember Adrien...and...Chloe...and....what happened next? All I can see is pitch black after that....


I'm starting to worry. I can't remember what I did. I remember running, and then... A black butterfly. Oh God. No. Please no. Tell me Hawkmoth didn't...

Did I hurt him?! I can't have hurt Adrien. No way! I want to cry now, but something is stopping me. What's going on?!

Marinette, please...wake up..

I hear that voice speaking to me. My eyes are wide open, surely, but I don't feel like I'm awake. I don't feel alive.

Is this what dying feels like? Am I dead?

But then who is this voice? Is it God? No, wait. Well. It isn't God, but it's as close as I can get without dying. It has to be him. Only his voice has that beautiful charm to it.

Come back to me..please...

I try to move as close to the voice as I can. My heart gaining speed.

My muscles were aching as the force of gravity began to settle on my body. I ran towards the voice, my arm outstretched.


My eyes widened and opened as I took in a lung full of air. My heart going nuts. I was alive!

And at the foot of my bed, crying for me, was my sweet prince.

He got up and embraced me, clutching me close as if i'd vanish.

Adrien had saved me

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