Chapter 10

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//*munches on takis* hah thanks for waiting!//

"Okay so we kinda-maybe-sorta kill for kind-maybe-sorta a living." Erin explained while rubbing the back of her kneck.
"WHAT?!" (Y/n) exclaimed, her 'innocent' cat mind going crazy.
"Heh, Don't worry. I-its like a population patrol kind of thing."
"NO ONE LIKES POPULATION PATROL, ERIN!" Erin sighed and put her a hand on her hip and one on her head while leaning her weight to her right.
"Okay first of all, Either call me Jenny or Experiment 12-Y. And Second, Calm the fuck down." Her eyes were glowing brightly showing her annoyance. "Third, Not like you have a choice. Its either us, Who do it for a living. Or them, who kill for fun." (Y/n) was slightly shocker by the harsh tone but then slowly got over it.
"Is the 'them' the ones we encountered earlier?" (Y/n) said quietly. Jenny looked at (y/n) and nodded smiling slightly seeing her getting with the program.
"You need to train."
"Keep going, (y/n)!" Jenny said while running in front of an exhausted (y/n).
"C-can't..B-r...." (Y/n) callapsed to the floor gasping for air. Jenny stopped and ran back to her.
"Heh, You could use a break. You did destroy a dummy, climb and jump from tree to tree six and run five laps without stopping." (Y/n) wheezes and rolls.
"Waterrrr!" Jenny takes out a water bottle from thin air and hands it to her. "Eh.. Thanks.." (Y/n)'s ears laid flat against her head and her tail was flopped on the floor as if she were dead.
"No p-... They're here!!!" Jenny squealed.
//Couldn't leave you guys with just that. XD//

"Oh yeah. You can't sense their presences yet.." Jenny immediately became sad. "They don't seen happy.."
Then it clicked. They are the people you met and learned a few things about them.

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