The Eye Contact[s]

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Many of my 'expert' friends told me that one way to get someone to notice you is to take glances and smile at them but never ever stare. I have to admit that I tried out their suggestion and it seemed like Yale is starting to notice me but I wasn't really sure. The first time I was at the balcony and watched Yale played softball, he didn't even know I was there. It was the second time that I guess he started to notice. He was playing soccer that time, and he kept looking up to the direction of my class balcony, or was it at me? I dare to say that because we had a few seconds of eye contact and then he would look away but I would still look at him. That happened several times until the PE lesson ended. oh shit wait.... I wasn't staring, was I? Just great.

The third time was similiar to the second one except that this time I was really convinced that he at last knew that I exist. When the PE lesson has ended, he and his friends were walking towards the cafetaria. Yale was walking ahead of his friends but he would look back to talk to them but he didn't seem to really pay attention to the conversation because his eyes were actually on me. We had a few seconds of eye contact and I quickly looked away and pretended to talk to my friends. They immediately told me that I should've smiled at him, but trust me it wasn't as easy as it sounded once you were in the real situation.


As I was walking towards the bus stop with my two friends, the student in charge of the mailbox called to us and approched us. At first I thought that at last after these three long weeks of waiting, Yale has finally replied to my letter or should I say poster. How dissapointed was I when he gave the letter to my friend instead. You know, you gotta keep your expectation from getting too high at all time. If not, then be ready for the fall. I started to think positively after realizing something, how the heck can you reply to a poster? Maybe that is the reason why he didn't reply me, or maybe---nah let's just stick to that reason to prevent me from overthinking.

I had to take the bus alone because my two friends went in a different direction as me. I took the seat at the corner near the window. I checked my phone and opened the Line. I was so surprised to know that Yale has added me back. I checked his timeline and they were all about music. There's no sign that he's attached though. Good news for me. Suddenly, a ridiculous idea popped into my head. What if I send him another poster but this time, I'll send it by Line. Sounds crazy enough. Then a war between my heart and my head began. The next thing I knew, I was clicking the send button. So you knew who won. I didn't really send him a poster actually, it was a screenshot of Ed's new song collab with other artist. Let's just pray that I will not be looking too much of a creeper.

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