Mood Swing, Probably?

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"Nope, you are so kidding!" Nina said, extending the word 'so'.

"Come on, even if it were a joke it wouldn't be funny at all." I rolled my eyes

"But seriously how can that be? You must be so special to him!" Nina teased.

"Oh please no, please don't make me unconsciously raise my expectation like that." I sighed

"No I'm not, because as far as I know Yale is quiet. He is not the chaser type." Nina wondered

"Just a single call doesn't mean he is a chaser, Nina." I raised my brow

"Well, to me he is," she shrugged

"Of course not. Maybe... maybe he was just being nice to his juniors." I tried to state a logical reason.

Nina and I were talking about the phone call that happened a few days ago. I told her from a to z and she seemed to be a little taken aback about how Yale was behaving. What she knew of was that Yale was a quiet and mysterious guy. Sure he went out with his friends and had a good social life but he kept his privacy tight about his love life. He didn't often date, but once he did it lasted really long. And because of that, no one really knew how Yale's type of girl was.

"The last time I remembered was back in middle school when he dated a girl in the same homeroom as him. They dated for a year and the only reason they broke up was because they had to go to different school." Nina told me, not missing any detail.

"Woah that's sweet." I said simply in awe.

"Well, that was what many people in school said at the time. Yale and his girl never boasted about their relationship but even the simplest thing such as the way they looked at each other showed it all." Nina's voice was steady and serious.

I on the other hand was simply speechless. I felt down immediately. Even from the story told you could tell that Yale was the serious type who didn't play around when it came to relationship or even better, love. It just made anything seemed to be more difficult. It's not easy to fall for someone who barely knew you, but it's even harder when they are the rarely-fall-in-love type.

"I don't know, I'm not sure if I have a chance." I explained to Nina.

"Hey look, he called you alright. That's a good start. No one knows maybe next time you will be talking to him face to face." Nina convinced me.

"Yeah but a single call cannot prove anything."

Nina stayed quiet and thought for a while. She then clicked her fingers, showing a sign that she had an idea.

"I know how to!" Nina eagerly said.

"Umm... what is it?" I asked skeptically. Knowing Nina she could probably give some wild insane advice.

"Very simple. Don't contact him for about seven days starting from the last time you chatted him, and if in those seven days he contacted you first, you know you're in a good place." She explained. Well that wasn't a really bad advice.

"Yeah but we barely know each other and it was a really short conversation. Of course he won't even remember." I said in doubt.

"There's always nothing wrong with trying out." Said Nina

"Well yeah you're right... But after all he is just a boy, who knows I might just be one of the other girls he's chatting with." I shrugged

"I'm really certain Yale is not. Come on Ion, just give it a shot." Nina persuaded me.

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