Did I just...?

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Ever since the stare that we had during the Japanese test, Yale and I often had eye contacts every chance we met. It wasn't that long but it's more than enough to make my heart rate increased rapidly every single time. Sometimes it would be me other times it would be him trying to hold the stare for a little longer. The funny thing was that we never dare to look at each other when we were just inches apart. Or was it just me? I mean It's easy to look at him in the eyes in a distance but when he got closer the possibility that I would be acting weird unconsciously would raise to the highest level, which would not be a good thing. So that's why I'd just glance at him when he's near.

But of course I can't always avoid it from happening. I was with my friend Ashley on Friday afternoon. She sat next to me in almost every class we had so she knew well that I had a crush on Yale. We were walking to the staircase that connect the two buildings, laughing and talking about random stuff. When we were approching the staircase, there walked down two guys that I immediately recognise one out of them. We had an eye contact and I quickly I mean like freaking quick snapped my head down. Ashley kept on walking while I with my head still down took a few steps to my left and walked alongside the wall, just so that I didn't have to pass by him. It was so obvious that I was acting all weird. That was just ridiculously stupid of me, but it just happened out of nowhere. Yale and his friend turned right to the direction of the cafeteria. Before Ashley and I climbed up the stairs, I managed to turn my head to his direction. I saw that he was walking ahead of his friend but he too suddenly turned his head to his friend which was also to my direction, so we had another eye contact and I could see that his face had this kind of curiosity in it. It was like he pretended to talk to his friend but his eyes were on me.

"Well...well..." Ashley turned her head to me with her wide grin

"Oh shut up, Ash," I replied, nudging her with my elbow jokingly.


When school had ended, my friends and I decided to buy tacos from the food truck that was parked just across the school. Three periods of chemistry has totally made us starving from all the hard work of doing the worksheets the teacher gave us. While we were waiting for our order, we talked and joked about the funny things that happened earlier in class. We were laughing our head off that I could feel everyone was watching us. I felt embarrassed for it but sorry not sorry, we just couldn't help it. I was still grinning when I turned my head to the left, to the sound of motorbike that was passing by slowly. I could recognise the person riding it in an instance. It was no other than the guitar boy, Yale. We had an eye contact and what I didn't realise was that I was still grinning. So I immediately close my lips but it was still stretched into a smile. Did I just smile at him? well even though it wasn't on purpose. It was just unbelievable. I couldn't even look him in the eyes when he's near and now I'm smiling at him? His face seemed pretty confused and after a few moments his eyes darted away. I watched until he and his red motorbike was out of sight. I wished it was just that easy to ran up and talk to him...

The Boy With The GuitarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang