Chapter 2

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As I made my way to my first class I couldn't help but think that so far I have met two very attractive guys within 24 hours, and possibly made a new friend. This is just to much for me to handle.

Once I found my class I knocked, hoping that the teacher wasn't mean and smelled like feet. To my luck he wasn't, he had to be about in his mid 40s and he smelled nothing like feet! Yay for me.

"Hi may I help you?" He said looking over at me as I stood in the doorway.

"Uh yeah I'm Stephanie, the new student. Are you Mr. Collins?" I say hoping that I am in the right room. 

He looks at a paper on his desk, "Ah yes, I was wondering when you were coming. Have a seat next to Katie Ms. Monroe." He says and gives me a smile. 

I nodded and looked for Katie, hoping it was the one I meat earlier. I smiled when it was and took a seat next to her.

"Hey! How weird is it that we have our first class together? You have to sit with me and my friends at lunch, I meant to ask you before but you looked like you were frustrated." She laughed. 

So I officially made a new friend on my first day which is good. It also seems like everyone is very happy at this school which if very interesting. 

"Yeah that sounds great." I gave her a smile and then our lesson began.


My other classes were pretty easy, nothing I can't handle. I actually ended up making a few other friends and I also got invited to a party. Yeah I could get used to it here.

As I made my way to the lunch room I searched for Katie. I spotted her sitting with three other girls who all looked up when I made my way to the table.

"Stephanie! Hey so this is Becca, Hazel, and Krystal. Guys this is Stephanie." She said clapping her hands together. 

They all said hi and I smiled in return. As they got involved in a conversation I took a minute to look at the three other girls.

Becca had long blonde hair like mine and blue eyes. Her style was like everyone else, normal I guess you could say. Hazel had medium black hair and she was more gothic type, but not over the top. Krystal had dirty blond hair and was like Katie. Even though we have to wear uniforms you can tell how they would dress by what they add on go the uniforms.

As I was in thought thinking about other things I felt something hit my face. I look down in front of me and see that a fry hit me. I look at the girls and they are all looking at me trying not to laugh, while Katie is looking in the opposite direction trying to act innocent.

"Oh Katie, did you drop this? On my face?"

She looks at me with relief. "Is that we're that went?! I was looking for it. Thank you so much for finding it."

We all laugh when she eats the fry when I gave it back to her. We all soon got involved in a conversation that mostly included them asking me question about my old school and so on.

I was in the middle of answering one of Krystal's question when I felt someone hitting me on my shoulder. Is this like hit Stephanie day or something?

I look over and see Becca looking in front of us and still hitting me.

"Uh Becca, why do you keep hitting me?" I ask her laughing.

She didn't stop, I don't think she heard me.

"Becca!" I shout. 

She finally looks at me and stops hitting my arms. I rub it cause now it hurts.

"Thank you for the bruises that will be there later." I say giving her a look.

"Oh your welcome. But guys Carter Samuels has not stopped looking at our table since you say down." She says as if it is the most important news of the day.

I look over to where she was looking and see that in fact a guy was looking over at our table. I couldn't see his face though so I don't know how she knows who he is. Just as I looked over though, he got up and started walking this way.

"Who's Carter Samuels?" I ask looking at all of them.

They all gasp, very dramatically if I may add and look at me like I'm an alien. Katie shakes her head, " I forgot your new. Carter Samuels is the "badboy" of our school. You don't want to mess with him or his friends. They basically run this school and they are all hot as hell." She stops and looks up and her eyes go wide.

"Katie. Are you okay? What else were you goin to--"

I look up at realize that 'Carter Samuels' is standing right in front of our table. That's when I realize that he's my neighbor that gave me my uniform yesterday!

"Hey princess, first day going good?" He sits down and winks at me. You know if I didn't hate him before I sure do now. Can he not wink at me for once?

"Why do you care?" I snap back at him, more harshly than I probably intended. 

"Just looking out for my neighbor. If anyone gives you any trouble you let me know and I'll take care of em for you." He says pretty seriously. 

He winks again. Okay pretty boy do it again see what happens.

"Well that is very kind, I think. But I can take care of myself thank you very much." I say and give him a fake smile. 

"Whatever you say." He gets up and looks at the girls, "see you around ladies." *wink*

MY GOD BOY! I think he has a problem with his eye, I really do. He needs to get that checked out fast.

"He's your neighbor?!"

"Why didn't you tell us?!"

"Why did he come over to talk to you? Not like there is something wrong but he was being protective."

"I'm so confused."

I laugh at Becca's comment. But they keep firing questions at me and it's getting annoying now. I mean I don't see the big deal. Yeah he's my neighbor and apparently the 'badboy' so what? It's not like we are going to be friends or anything.

Once I get them to shut up I explain what happen yesterday with him coming to give me my uniform and how much of a jerk he was. They think I'm the luckiest person ever because he is my neighbor but I could be less thrilled about it honestly.

Carter Samuels, the 'badboy' is my neighbor. This could be a bad thing or a good thing. I just don't know which is better or which one I want it to be.


Hey everyone so here's your new chapter! Yay.

I know it's been a while but I was super busy with school and everything but now it's summer(:

Let me know what you think. Feedback is always welcome cause I would like to know how you guys feel about the story.

Much love<3

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