Chapter 15

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I get to her house and luckily I see the light in her room still on. I don't know what I'm doing but it's to late to back down now.

I know I screw up I shouldn't have said shit to her but of course I can't keep my mouth shut. Hopefully she forgives me and will come with me.

I throw a couple rocks at her window and I find it so cliché that I'm doing this.

She opens her window and looks around.

"Down here." I say. When she looks at me I can't help but smile because she's just stop it Carter you can't do that.

"You do realize that you could have broken my window right?"

 I smirk. "That was a risk I was willing to take."

 She pauses and I can tell the mood has changed.

"What are you doing here?"

"You said you wanted to know me so here I am to let you do that."

"It's one in the morning and I'm grounded."

Damn I forgot she was grounded but I don't care right now. I need her to come with me to prove to her I'm not as bad as I seem.

"Your parents won't know you are gone and besides what's a better way to get to know someone than at one in the morning?" I try and lighten the mood a bit.

She is quite for a bit so I speak up again.

"Come on princess what's wrong with taking a risk every now and then?"

I smirk and I can tell she sees me. I know she's thinking about coming with me.

"And where might we be going Carter?" She looks down at me, even though it's dark I can see her beautiful eyes and I can't help but smile.

"Well that my dear is a surprise. You'll just have to come with me and find out."

She takes a deep breath than closes her window. For a moment I think she is just going to go to bed and I start to leave but I moment later I hear her front door open and she walks out.

I put my hands in my pockets and I walk towards her. She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and looks at me.

"You are crazy you know that."

 I smile and so does she. I motion for her to follow and she does. I take a moment to look at her to my side and see she is wearing a pair of leggings, vans and a sweatshirt. She left her hair down but she still looks great. I don't think she is wearing makeup either.

"What are you looking at?" Her voice brings me out of my thoughts. Shit I was staring.

 "Uh- what? Nothing."

 "Uh huh sure." She laughs.

We get to my bike and she doesn't hesitate getting on after me. Seems like she's used to it now.

I hand her one of my helmets and she puts it on.

 "About time you got another helmet." I chuckle and then start my bike.

"So are you going to tell me where you are taking me so late?"

"Nope." And before she can answer I speed off onto the street.


I have no idea where Carter is taking me and I'm starting to think maybe I shouldn't have come. I am still kind of mad at him but I don't really have a reason to be, he was just being frustrating and I was not having a good day.

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