Chapter 24

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It's been about a month since we got back from staying at Zach's. Everything has been normal, for the most part anyway.

School is going the same, at home things are the same. Hannah told me that the surprise she had was put on hold for a while. At first I had forgot she said there was a surprise until she mentioned it.

Anyway the only thing that is not normal is Carter. He has been unusually close to be since we had gotten home. He insists on driving me to school every day and taking me home. Almost every weekend he asks me to come over and or he comes to my house. We also go to that diner a lot as well.

Why he is being like this I have no idea. I tried asking him once and all he said was he wanted to spend time with me now that we are together. Honestly I wasn't complaining it was just getting weird.

It's almost December here and I am still not used to living somewhere where it doesn't get cold like when I lived in Michigan. Now since it's almost Christmas I need to think about what to get the twins, Hannah, my friends and more importantly Carter.

For the past 4 or 5 years for Christmas it was always difficult. Most of the time my dad would be out working and since Trevor rarely ever got to come home for Christmas it was just Hannah, the twins and I. I always got them something though. Hannah would normally throw it out no matter what it was but the twins enjoyed their presents.

Now that things are different who knows how this Christmas would go. I've been thinking a lot about what I wanted when Hannah asked me. Even though we still have some time the only thing that I want would take forever to get here if it were possible.

So now here I am in the passenger seat of Carter's car on our way to school. It was a little chilly this morning so I had to wear a jacket.

"So, what would you like for Christmas princess?" Carter said breaking the silence.

I smile when he calls me that. I still haven't gotten used to that even though he says it almost every day.

"Well I could really go for some new clothes." I look up at him. He scrunches his face.

"Uh I'm not really great in that department." He laughs and so do I.

I look out the window and my mind goes to what I really want. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I feel a warm hand on my cold one.

"Steph, what are you thinking about?" His tone somewhat serious.

"I'm just- well I'm thinking about what I really want. The only thing I want that I haven't has for a few Christmas's now."

I look at him and he is waiting for me to go on.

"I would love to have Trevor home for Christmas."

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