Chapter 10

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It's so dark out, I think I'm lost. I only just started walking but it feels like it has been hours. I can't stop the tears that are running down my face, I can only think about the words that came out of my sisters' mouth.

I hear footsteps behind me and I start increasing my pace. I don't know who it is but I honestly don't want to find out right now. I try to ignore the footsteps and focus on what happen at home. 'How could they hate me so much? Honestly I have tried so hard to make them see what happen wasn't my fault. No one believes me, no one ever does anymore.

I stop when I see a park and make my way to a bench. I keep crying, that's what I was afraid of, once I start crying I can't stop. This is why I don't cry often.


I look around not really being able to see anything. Then I see someone walking towards me.

"Stephanie is that you?" The voice sounds concerned. 

Once the person gets closer I see who it is and I am kind of surprised.

"Andrew? What are you doing here?" I say shocked that he was out here. 

He takes a seat next to me and I hope he can't really see me. I probably look awful.

"Well I saw you walking as I was leaving a party. It's like one in the morning and I wanted to make sure you were okay." He says but now his voice sounds weird.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine. I always go for walks this late." I lie, hoping he buys it so I can be by myself. I know that it's kind of mean but right now I would rather be alone.

He looks at me with I think is doubt but I can't really tell. I hope he can't see how terrible I look right now.  He doesn't say anything for a moment and we just sit there looking at each other, at least I think we are, it's too dark to tell.

"Alright, as long as you are careful out here. You never know what could happen to a pretty girl like you at night." He smiles as far as I can tell. But I don't, because at this point I don't care what happens to me.

When I don't say anything he stands. "Well I hope you are okay, if you need anything I'm always here." I nod, then realize he can't really see me so I say thank you and then he walks away. A part of me is sad he left, but I am also happy so I can just be by myself. I know I said I was okay but aren't people supposed to say 'oh I know you're not so let me stay and we can talk.' I guess this isn't a book so that won't happen.


I jerk my head to the direction I heard the noise from.


I look the other way.

Oh calm down Stephanie, it's probably just a squirrel.

Once I somewhat convince myself it was just an animal I hear footsteps. Then I hear someone's heavy breathing behind me.

I turn around but before I can scream or do anything, everything goes black.


It's one in the morning and I still haven't found her yet. I have no idea where she could be or what she could be doing. What if something happens or happened to her? What if she does something to herself like she was talking about? I shake my head, not allowing those thoughts to enter my head again. I don't know what I would do if something happened to her. I know we aren't exactly friends, but for some reason I care about her more than anything.

Almost minutes later I come across a park and think about sitting to figure out where she could be. Just then I see two guys laughing and standing over a something on the ground. I don't think much of it till one of the guys bends down and removes something. I slowly walk closer to the guys not letting them know I am here to see what they are doing. I see a girl lying on the ground unconscious, she looks oddly familiar. I then know who she is, its Stephanie.

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