Chapter 6

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Why do bad things happen to good people? I just moved here literally 2 days ago and already I have a guy (who is attractive but very cocky and rude) following me around and claims that I am his. Sure that would be every girls dream at this school considering how popular he is but, I couldn't give a rats butt about it. I didn't come here for a relationship, I came here, well was forced to come here,  to finish this last year of high school then go to college and get away from my family.

I try to ignore him the best I can, I really do. I've tried talking to Katie but she's to busy drooling over the fact that Carter Samuels is now in our class. He keeps looking at me, I can feel his stare burning right through me. I don't want to say anything, not like anyone would care our teacher is practically asleep at his desk and everyone is talking or drooling over Carter. I can't take this anymore.

"Do you try to be as annoying as possible or does it just come natural?" I saw after it had be quite in the room for a long time. 

He is kind of taken back by me actually saying something to him as are some of the girls around us. So it is like a thing where you can't talk to him?

He smirks. Does this boy ever like actually smile? Does he know how to actually smile?

"How am I being annoying princess?" He says knowing very well how he is annoying me. 

"One, don't call me princess again and two, you show up to my house this morning begging for a ride and now you are in my class. Why? Can't you go obsess over some other girl who would want you around?" I say and then go back to writing something for another class.

He seems speechless at first and it's kind of funny to know that he has nothing to saw back for once. Obviously I am the only one who has ever talked back to him, referring back to our encounter earlier I would say I am right.

I just don't understand what is so special about him. Yeah he is attractive and tan, he has really nice eyes to....whoa there Steph, lets not go to far. He's a jerk and very cocky and is a 'bad boy' as Katie put it yesterday. They are obviously not your ray of sunshine. I took it upon myself to find out more about him through some people yesterday and found out he fights, he fights on the streets and stuff, that dangerous. I just want to know why he had to pick me, or better yet why my house has to be next to his.

He never said anything back after what I told him and I'm glad. Class was soon over and Katie and I were headed to our next class.

"So what are the odds of Carter being in our class and sitting right next to you? Like isn't it amazing?" She says, and I don't have to look at her to know that she has a big smile on her face. 

"Uh yeah its super cool." I say with a fake smile.

I didn't know what else to say, I haven't told her about what happen this morning yet. Maybe I will tell her at lunch along with Becca, Hazel, and Krystal.

My next 3 classes go by quick and I am thankful that Carter isn't in any of them. Maybe he only switched into my first hour. 

As the bell rings for lunch I think I am the first one out of class. Well can you blame me, I'm starving. I make my way to my locker to put my books away and as I am walking to it I bump into someone. My books fall out of my hands and I fall to the ground as well. Well isn't this great. I look up to see the person I am about to have a screaming match at when I realize it's Andrew.

"Hey sorry I didn't see you there-oh hey Stephanie." He says and a smile grows on his face. 

He bends down to get my books than holds a hand out for me. I smile at his sweet gesture then smack his arm.

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