Day 3 - Your Sibling [a Rondeau]

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  • Dedicated to Daniel Littlewood

A poem about my brother is obviously what I would write

When faced with the proposition ‘who’ll you write about tonight?’

I know in public he tells me to go away and leave

But to believe that’s the regular him, how could you be so naïve?

I’ll always know that everything is alright

When I look to his smile and almost bewildering height

I’ve seen so many things he’s capable to achieve

                A poem about my brother..

You’ve probably never seen us after school and after night

But me and my brother are close, this is my plight

A love from him at that time I will retrieve

He loves me too, so I’ve learnt and still do believe

Ever since childhood, he’s been my shining knight

                A poem about my brother..

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