Chapter 2-First Days Always Suck

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Luke's POV:

It is four in the morning and I am sneaking into Leigha's room. I wrote her another note. I hope she's not in any of my classes. Then again I hope she is. I hope to see her cute face. I didn't want to check the class list I had gotten months ago. I want to be surprised. Ed knows how I like Leigha and he almost didn't give me the job because of it. Then again he shouldn't judge because my sister was his teaching assistant and they dated. Ed is an amazing brother in-law. He is almost another best friend, but Toby and Ben are great friends. Toby is super smart and always surprises me. Ben, well he is Ben. Ben is so protective of Lee and Tasha. He was pissed when Lee was dating that dork in Spain. He was so mad because none of us would let him go fly out so he can intimidate the kid.I can't imagine if we didn't move next to the Clark's. My life would be completely different.

I wasn't the best in school. I acted out and didn't give a shit. I'm so nervous to teach. I'm just gonna do my best. Hopefully my best is enough. I roll over in bed and stare out the window to see Leigha on her balcony. The way the moon light hits her, it should be a crime to be that beautiful. She doesn't see it, but she is very pretty. Her straight brown hair goes almost past her boobs. Her baby blues are so pretty. She is chunky, but the skinniest I've ever seen her. Her skin is so perfect. She's grown up since her freshman year. She's no longer such a dork. She sits with her legs one between a post of the balcony, headphones in her ears and my note in her hands. Oh shit my note. I close the blinds and sleeps comes to me.

Leigha's POV:

I couldn't sleep. I had to read the note. I debate my options. Fuck options. I grab the note and my iphone. I quietly open the door to my beloved balcony. I missed it while I was in Spain. I sit there and dangle my feet over the edge. I put my headphones in and tear open the envelope. It was that manly scrawl I love.

"Dear Leigha,

Another Note. Hi. I just wanna say good luck later today. You will kick ass baby doll. Senior year is suppose to be awesome, so make it. If you need it, i'll supply the booze. That might not be a good thing to tell Ed or Ben. Especially Ben. "Hey Benny. Yeah your best friend my math teacher.He's supplying me with booze and just thought you should know since you are a cop and all." No! Anyway I won't embarrass you. I love you too much for that. If those bitches bully you this year I swear to god baby doll, I will kick ass. My brother in-law can fire me and my best friend can arrest me as long as you are happy. I promised Ed I wouldn't and I quote "Tell you my true feelings, screw with your heart and then break it" So this note is mainly just to say have a great day and year baby doll.


Lucas Ethan Smith

P.S you might want my autograph so you can say you loved me before everyone else at school <3"

I look at his house and see his blinds shutting. Gosh what a stalker. I roll my eyes. Suddenly I feel sleepy.

I wake up to someone sitting on me. "Benny get off me!" I yell not bothering to open my eyes.

"Damn sis. I guess I need to lay off the junk food," Tashy says laughing.

"Aw Tashy babe. I'm sorry. Forgive me?"

"Ah nope!" She says running out of my room laughing.

"Bitch you better forgive me or you can walk your ass to school!" I yell jokingly.

"Leigha Nicole Clark watch your fucking mouth!" Benny yells from behind me.

"Leigha I forgive you! You fucking bitch!" Tashy yells. Benny looked at me and I looked at him shocked our baby sister just swore.

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