Chapter 6-Sleeping Beauty

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It is a Tuesday night, I sit there reading the journal. A lot of it is in spanish and about her trip. Thank god for google translate or I would never understood any of it. The final entry gave me chills and thankfully for me it was in english.. “We stood in the street light near the fountain. in the plaza. We were leaving in the morning. Dakota grabbed my wrist. He kissed the barely noticeable scars. You know you’re beautiful he whispered.He told me he would always be there for me and to text him, but he couldn’t handle long distances. I agreed and walked back to my dorm.. He was my attempt to get over my feelings for someone else. It didn’t work. If anything I feel harder for the other guy. Oh well. Maybe this school year will be good, but then again probably not.”

I wake up and feel a bad day coming on strong. I grab a coffee before going home to change. I get to school just barely on time. Ed shakes his head at me as I walk by the office. I slip into fake happiness and teach my classes. I go to lunch and supervised like I normally should. It is uneventful. Finally, the day ends. I am excited to leave until Ben walks in. 

“Forget our tutoring session?” He asked smirking. 

“Totally not!” I said faking enthusiasm. 

“Lucas.Lucas.Lucas. I of all people know when you are faking,” he whispered in my ear. 

“Shh. Hello Ms. Clark. Come have a seat,” I say pointing to my desk. “I’ll be right back.” I tell them as Claire walked into the room. This is part of our plan. She has two points already and a third would mean she’d get expelled. Nikki is leaving Friday because her mom found the school being unfair.

I hear yelling a few minutes after I left. I run back. Leigha will kill me if something happens to Tashy. I open the door and see Claire standing there with a bloody nose and Tasha with a single scratch. 

“What the hell?” I ask as Ed comes running in. 

“She called my sister a dumb bitch. I asked why she’s dumb. She replied because she is being overly dramatic,not waking up. I simply said grow up bitch and she slapped me. So I punched her,” Tasha explains. Ben stands behind his sister proudly smiling. Ed escorts Claire out.

“Leigha needs to wake up now,” Ben states high fiving me.

“Yes. She does.”

“She will guys. Soon. Just have faith,” Tasha says with a grin. 

It is a Friday, Ben and Nikki’s last day. The day is perfect. I am happy to be teaching again. I think everyone noticed it. I am the only one in the room that night. It is late, almost midnight. I feel her thumb wiggle under my hand. My mind is playing tricks on me.Her hand squeezes mine. That moment I know I'm not imagining this. 

“Luke?” She questions quietly into the dark room.

“Leigha, oh my god. Leigha. Push that button!” I say excitedly. I could jump up and down right now, I'm so happy.

“Why?” She asks confused. “Where am I?”

“Just do it and I’ll explain later. I promise,” I say watching her push the call button to the nurse. 

“I swear if this is Bently trying to get my number again.. Oh you're awake,” the nurse says happily. 

“Can someone explain what the hell is going on?”Leigha asks. 

“Babydoll, what do you remember?” 

“Oh. Oh. I get it now.The first day of school. I remember coming home. I went upstairs and turned my music up. When I checked twitter there was a tweet. It had a lot of retweets, so I.. I figured it would be best. I remember the pain. I remember you yelling my name and the look on Tashy’s face. Oh my god,” she says laying back on the pillows. 

“Leigha?” I ask concerned. 

“I fucked up. Bad this time,” is all she says and she falls asleep again.

“Lucas! They said she was awake!” Aunt Jan says excitedly, her face fell when she sees Leigha sleeping. 

“Mom?” Leigha says quietly waking up. 

“Lee,” Aunt Jan almost jumps in the bed. She hugs her so tight. “What the hell were you thinking. Oh god. Lucas, call Ben. Call everyone. “

“To:Janey,Tashy,Sara,Ed,Ma,Ben, Jenny,Cody,Toby and Twitter

Message: She’s awake!!!!!!”

Leigha’s POV:

My parents and Luke sit around the room just staring at me. “How long have I been out?” I ask deciding to break the awkward silence. 

“Here,” Luke says reaching in his pocket and pulling out my phone. I look at it, so many texts, tweets and notifications. I look at the date. November 4th.

“Oh my god. I’m gonna be so behind in school. Fuck!” I whisper. I check the tweets and see so much support from my classmates. This is awesome. I check my texts, mostly from Jenny and Cody. Then I see I have 79 messages from Luke. He watches me tap on them and his face grows red.  Jenny bursts into the room dragging Cody. 

“School really that’s really all you think about when you wake up after two months?” My mom asks.

“Well yeah. How are you guys?” I ask. They all looked like hell. Luke mainly. His hair looks gross and his 5 o'clock shaddow is prominent. His eyes are bloodshot and he seems thinner. 

“Fucking fantastic now that you are awake. Did anyone tell her? If you did I will personally kill you,” Jenny says almost bouncing with excitement. 

“Tell me what?”

“Look,” She says handing me the ballot, the sash and the crown. 

“Oh my god,” I say sliding my fingers gently across it all as though it would disappear into the air.

“Lele!” Tashy shouts like a baby. She runs to the bed and jumps right in next to me, squishing me. 

“Lee!” Benny says trying to imitate Tashy.  

“Tashy. Benny.” Is all I say.

“Sis, we’ve got to talk. Can everyone leave, but Luke?” Benny says. Everyone gives him a look of unsure, but they exit the room quietly. 

“What’s up bro?” 

“I love you. I just want you to know. Never. Never do this again. Oh and by the way Claire got expelled and Nikki ,cleft the school,” he explains.


“I’ll tell you more later,” he says opening the door and exiting, leaving me alone with Luke. Luke has grown incredibly silent while Benny talks. I think he is deep in thought.

“I’ve had what you could say is a YOLO moment,” Luke explains as he searches his backpack.

Author's Note: Oooh she's awake. 

What's his yolo moment? Will they ever get together? What's in the backpack? 

*evil laugh* I know :* 

¡Edited by Han!

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