Chapter 4- They Win

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Leigha’s POV:

I walk into the house, Tasha and Sara are at the island in our kitchen like always. They are discussing books. “Harry Potter is better than Hunger Games anyday,” Sara says.

“Hunger Games is better. Except for Suzanne Collins killing off Rue,” Tasha says back. I laugh.

“Divergent beats both. And you both know it,” I explain grabbing an apple.

“How was kicking some ass?” Sara asks smiling.

“I got suspended, but other than that pretty good.”

“Janey was impressed. You broke that girl’s nose.”

“You’re kidding right?” "

"Nope. Ed texted Janey and she told me,” Sara states. I walk away and go straight to my room.I turn the radio up loud and just lay on my bed thinking. I pull out my laptop and decide to check my twitter.

Tasha’s POV:

“Janey told you not to tell her,” I scold Sara.

“She needed to know eventually,” Sara replies.

“I want them to stop. Hopefully they do,” I whisper.

“Lukey asked me about the scars on her arms. He asked me if she self harms,” Sara whispers back.

“Let’s go to my room and talk,” I reply. We walk up stairs quietly. Leigha’s door is shut and her music is loud. “What did you say to Luke?”

“I said that I didn’t know and that he should talk to her about it,” Sara says quietly.

“I know she does. I think since freshman year she has. I don’t like it,”I add.

“Let’s go swim,”Sara suggests changing the subject.

We make our way down stairs. Everybody was here now, except for Leigha. Benny is on the phone. He is smiling and nodding. He hang up. “Mom!Dad! I got an assignment!” He yells skipping around the pool. Luke grabs his phone and then pushes him in.

“Congrats Bro!” Luke yells laughing.

“Luke, you shouldn’t laugh we get to work together.” Benny says with a smile.

“Say what?” Mom asks confused.

“I’m going undercover!” Benny says smiling. I suddenly realize Leigha isn’t down here yet. I text Luke.

Me:Lover boy, hey go get my sister

Luke: She’s your sister

Me:You like her

Luke:You love her Tashy

Me:So do you Lukey

Luke:Whatever. If I’m not down in 10 then she killed your favorite math teacher

I watch him walk away. He seems happy to go get her. I wanted to eavesdrop, like always. Sara and I sneak up the stairs a little bit. It's our jobs to be noisy little sisters. I watch Luke jiggle the door knob and then he reaches up on the ledge, where there were hidden bobby pins.

The door swings open and we creep up the stairs a little more. He turns off the music and yells. “Lee?! Leigha?” He scares us both and we jump as he yells, “holy shit someone help!”

“Sara go get my parents!” I whisper. She runs. I run to Luke. Leigha lays on the floor in our shared bathroom, surrounded by a puddle of blood. I can't stand the blood, so I back away. I see her open laptop and hide it in my room. It might explain a lot. My mom and Auntie Em come in. They both start crying when they see Leigha. Luke is trying to stop the bleeding. Mom starts to be hysterical. My dad shows the medical people where to go. Benny looks white as a ghost as she is carried out. Luke hugs Benny and they both cried. “What the hell just happened?” Toby says running into the house.

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