Chapter 8- She's a Badass

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Luke’s POV:

My phone is ringing Our Song by Taylor Swift. I listen. I have barely had any sleep and she already misses me. I go to say hello, but I hear her yelling “let me go!” I stay quiet as I run to my car. I hear a sigh of pain and arguing in the background. I hear Leigha cry out and yell for help. Suddenly, the call ends. I call Ben and it goes straight to voicemail.  I call Aunt Jan. She picks up first ring.

“Aunt Jan!” I almost yell.

“Lucas, what’s wrong?”She asks sleepily.

“Come to the hospital as soon as possible. Something is wrong.”

“Ok. Be right there. Jason wake up,” she yells as I hang up.

I speed into the parking lot. I run through the door. I run to the nurse’s station. “Luke, how can I help you?” The head nurse asks. 

“Something is wrong in Leigha’s room. She called me.”

“Security should be there now. We had a minor problem earlier,” she states as 3 security men run by. I run after them. 

“Boss, we came in here and she had them taken care of. The girl is a bad ass,” an officer states. 

“Did you get her statement?” The boss asks.

“Not yet. She keeps asking for Luke.”Another officer says. 

“That would be me. What happened?”

“That’s what we would like to know? Can you calm her down?” The boss questions. 

“Yes sir.Leigha, baby doll are you ok?” I run to where she sits on the bed. Her knuckles are bruised and her face has a few scratches. She wraps her arms around my neck and sobs into my shoulder. I rubb her back.

“Ms.Clark, we need a statement,” the officer states quietly. I have to leave the room.

“Sir, what happened?” 

“Three ladies showed up and were attempting to kidnap the young lady. They told her they have her brother. We aren’t sure if that is true. If you don’t mind me asking why are you here?” The boss questions.

“I’m her brother’s best friend. She’s had a little crush on me all her life. I’m always the first she calls when something happens.” I wonder if anyone has seen the ring. Hopefully not.. 

“Ok that makes sense go ahead in,” the boss says as an officer steps out.

Leigha sits in bed looking at something on her phone. “Lee?”

“Luke, it was so scary,” she says locking gazes with me. 

“Who’s ass do I have to kick now?” 

“I think I got the ass kicking covered,” she says laughing. 

“I didn’t see them so I don’t know. Gosh two fights in a short time. Ben will be so proud.”

“Has he answered your calls?” She questions sadly.

“Nope. But he’s probably just hungover and ignoring our calls.”

“Maybe,” she says rolling her eyes.

“Babydoll, who was it?”

“Nikki, Claire and Maybell,”she says her eyes look so sad. 

“You’ve gotta be shitting me.”

“What?Luke what’s wrong?” She asks putting her hand on my arm.

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