Chapter 11- Did that just happen?

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Luke’s POV:

Leigha walks into my fourth hour class looking annoyed, but still beautiful. She sits down next to Jenny. Jenny tears a piece of paper from her folder and they write back and forth quickly. 

“Leigha and Jenny I’ll take that,” I said snatching the note up and putting it in my pocket. “Back to the packet now.”

The class goes by quickly. The last five minutes I sit at my desk and read the note.

What’s wrong? ~J

I got a threat~L

WTH. Who?What?Where? and When?~J

Aria. She’s Claire’s step sissy. Bathroom and Before last hour~L

wtf. and i thought she was a goody goody ~J

That’s all they said. Dang, I wish it would've been more. Leigha won’t look up from a doodle. I strain my eyes to see it looks alot like my leaf tattoo.Jenny stares at me waiting for something. “Leigha and Jenny please stay after,” I say watching Leigha. She rolls her eyes and plays with her ring. I had a silver band on my left hand. It was a part of the ring she had. It has a small infinity symbol.

“Mr. Smith are you engaged?” Aria asks. She’s the girl from the note. Oh man. I hate her. 

“No it’s just a promise ring to the girl I love. It’s a promise that one day we’ll be something more.” I watch as Jenny’s face becomes shocked. Leigha grows kinda red. 

“Oh wow that’s really nice,” another girl says quietly. 

“Yeah,” another girl agrees. The bell rings and everyone scurries out. 

“Leigha, were you going to tell me?” I question shutting and locking the door. 

“Maybe. I’m not worried about it,” she says quietly. 

“I am. Leigha, I thought you were so strong and then I found out you almost killed yourself. I felt like I failed you as a best friend. I love you like a sister and a best friend. You need to tell me everything and anything,” Jenny says quietly. 

“I tell you almost everything Jen. Sometimes I can’t handle telling you stuff. Somethings are just better in my mind,” Leigha says quietly. Her eyes seemed sad. She picks at her nail polish on her thumb. 

“Seriously Lee. Tell me what’s going on in your crazy head. Even if it’s not what I want to hear,” Jenny says smiling. 

“You can tell me too babydoll.”

“I can’t tell you about how amazing our kiss was or how much I think I’m falling for you... Oh shit,” Leigha says blushing. Jenny laughs. 

“I love you too Leigha. Now go to lunch you two,” I say kicking them out of my room. 

I walk to the teacher’s lounge. “Luke, glad you could join us.” Janey says smiling. 

“Hi sis. Hello everyone.”

“Lukey, is that a ring. Are you engaged?” Janey asks. 

“Good observation Sis. It is a ring. It’s just a promise ring.” Everyone nods.

“I was surprised Leigha Clark was back so soon,” Mrs. Sims says changing the topic. Janey looks at me and then speaks. 

“Her mom said that the first thing she asked about was school.”

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