Chapter 5

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My eyes open again to see a clear wall of glass.

I frantically press against the sides, wondering how I got here. The last thing I remember are the voices in my room, and hands over my face...

I look outside my small prison. The other 23 tributes are in identical glass tubes, in a circle, moving up. It's like a giant elevator where we're all in seperate compartments riding to our almost certain doom.

Across from me, about 20 feet away, is Sam. He looks as worried as I feel, but he's also a bit angry. There's a glint in his eyes I've never seen in anyone before.

"Attention, tributes!" a voice booms overhead, impossible to tell where exactly. It seems to come from everywhere, but nowhere at the same time.

"This is a little surprise that the Districts thought of for this year's games. Everyone will go into the arena in about 5 minutes, without the extra time for preparation and mentor advice."

Most of the tributes look nervous and scared. Those are the ones that don't know what they're doing, the ones that were relying on last minute tips from past winners.

We stop moving, and reach the arena. All I can see is sand, but that's probably a trick of the eye. I've heard stories about past Hunger Games being boring because the tributes were in a desert-like place.

The glass lifts up, and a few people I don't know step out tentatively. They make it a few feet and then start sinking into the sand.

The tribites all watch in horror as they scream and disappear.




Three dead before the games have ever started. That has to be a record.

"And it looks like some folks weren't told what the rules are. So anyway, on your mark, get set, GO!"

A horn blares, and we take off in the sand. I put on an early burst of speed, determined to get ahead of the other tributes so I can get some spears at the cornucopia.

After a bit of running, I spot it in the distance. I look briefly behind me to see many tributes are lagging behind. I'm ahead by a lot, although one tribute is catching up. I think her name is Tasha.

Finally, I reach the cornucopia and grab a heavy green backpack. I hurriedly glance around for some spears, but I can't find any. Panicking, I rummage through the stuff and grab a knife, but I still can't find any spears.


Suddenly, a cannon goes off, startling me. I stumble back into the wall and fall beside... spears! Yes!

I snatch up the spears and hear a yell near me. Tasha is charging me with a deadly sickle.

I dodge out of the way and she narrowly avoids smashing into the wall. She turns around and tries to get me again.

I reach for a spear but instead I grab a knife. Oh no, I'm terrible with knives! I hastily jab at Tasha, only grazing her arms.


Suddenly, Tasha's eyes open wide, and she falls forward, revealing Sam. He had stabbed her in the back, and by the sound of the cannon, had killed her. He nods at me, then runs off.

I shake out of my trance and instead run away too, in a direction not many people would think to go in. There's only sand as far as the eye can see, but I think it's just a trick.

Water. Water. Water. The word pounds in my head every bound I take, reminding me of my next task. Finally, the sand sprouts little grass patches, and trees begin to appear. It's an oasis.

I stop running and breathe in and out, catching my breath. The oasis is beautiful! There's a small stream running into a little pond, with a few fish inside. I sit down beside it and open my backpack.

I have a few things in there, but the thing that made it heavy was the water canteen. It's pretty big amd filled ¾ of the way with water. I happily take a sip and search some more.

There's a small blanket, a rope, some netting, a water purification kit, and an apple with a sandwich. I smile, knowing that with the fish and hopefully a few sponsor gifts, I could definitely make it through the two weeks.

I hear screaming in the distance, then two more cannons. After the final cannons, I hear the anthem start to play, and the dead are shown in the sky.

Is it reallynighttime already? I know we didn't have much sense of time because the tributes were kidnapped in the middle of the night, but still, the sun was beating down very hot a few minutes ago.

I'll figure it out in the morning. For now, I set up the blanket under a tree, quiet and hidden. But I can't fall asleep.

I realize why, then watch the sky for Sam's face. He probably saved my life. I need to know he's safe.

There are nine dead, and thankfully none of them are Sam. I smile to myself and drift off to sleep.

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