Chapter 13

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[The YouTube video at the top is Suicide by Rihanna. It's an awesome song and I think it fits AMAZING with the Hunger Games. At the end of this story, I will make a bonus chapter analyzing the song to fit in with the Games.
Anyway, I'll tell you when to play it in this chapter so it's the perfect effect. Just stop and listen and try to imagine this as a movie and hopefully it'll work ;-)]

Crimson and I pack up our things, ready to hunt down the other girl, Anna.

The bad thing is that we don't know what to do afterwards.

But I can tell we both know we would die for each other.

I hate how this is exactly what the Districts want.

We travel for a while, trekking through random climates using the compass to help us around.

"Wait. Stop." Crimson shushes me, looking around. That girl has ears. She must be able to hear something.

Then I hear it too. A very small but still distinct rustle in the tree above us, not like anyone's moving, but like someone's breathing.

I shrug and say, "I don't hear anything," giving Crimson an obvious look.

I'll follow your lead, I say with my eyes. Crimson understands.

She quietly takes an arrow from her bag and adjusts it, aiming in the tree where we heard the sound before.

She lets the arrow go, and a whizzing sound erupts as it goes in the tree. A yelp sounds from above, and the girl tumbles out, startled. She fumbles for her weapon and we begin to fight.

The arrow didn't seem to hit her in any way, but it still helped in revealing her position. The outcome of our search could have been much worse.

Anna finally finds her knife. She thrusts it in my direction, and I block it with the tip of my spear, throwing her off-balance.

Crimson jumps in too, firing repeatedly at Anna, only grazing her arms and legs. Nothing fatal, but with every wound, Anna gets less and less ferocious.

Anna makes a move at Crimson. Her knife finds its way into Crimson's side, and she cries in pain and sinks to the floor.

[Ok. Start the song!]

Staring at Crimson on the floor, blood pooling out of her side, ignites a very imaptient spark that's been waiting inside me for way too long.

I become a killing machine, kicking and throwing spears and punching, narrowly avoiding Anna's knife many times, but perservering as one name pounds from my heart, coursing through my blood: Crimson, Crimson, Crimson.

Anna's weapon grazes my arm and I clutch it, wincing.

I take my spear and plunge it into her chest. Not deep enough to kill her, but she will die soon from blood loss.

[Sorry for the interruption... just wondering if anyone's imagining this as a movie! Sorry. Big dreams here. But seriously, like the spear going into Anna in slow motion, all that dramatic stuff... sorry. I'll let you read now.]

Without hesitation, I run to Crimson's side. She's lost a lot of blood, but I wrap our blanket over her so it will stop. I determinedly apply pressure, tears dripping down my face. She can't die. She shouldn't die.

She won't die.

Crimson's breaths slowly come back, and struggles to find her words. She finally is able to choke out something.

"Scar... behind... you..."

I stand up and see Anna, still alive but barely able to move, aiming a knife in a place above Crimson.

That place is a tree.

A big tree.

A big tree with a branch.

That would probably kill someone if it landed in the right place.

I act before I think.

I run up to Anna, knowing what I'm going to do, mentally apologizing in my head.

I throw myself in front of the knife's path, stopping it from hittinbg the tree.

Stopping it from killing my sister.

The knife didn't get me in the heart like I intended so I would die instantly and have Crimson be the victor. It dug deep in my arm, but the good thing is that I'll die from blood loss, slowly, painfully, but eventually.

Anna dies. Her cannon booms, the sound echoing across the empty arena.

They say when you're about to die, you see your entire life flashing before your eyes.

It's true.

I see lots of scenes with me and Crimson. Lots. Us way younger, memories that have been lost to me forever.

I see me first meeting Sam, when we were about 10 years old, and me falling in love instantly.

I see all the momentous and happy things (which are few, but still there) that happened in my life. Everything.

Then everything happening in the Capitol Games.

I feel dizzy, which is good for me. I'm dying.

But I need to be with Crimson one last time.

I crawl over to her, starting to cry.

"What did you do?!" Crimson screams. "What the hell were you thinking?!"

Then she's sobbing like no one's ever sobbed before, and then she looks at me. She realizes something. But I don't know what.

"I know," she whispers, then she falls to the floor.

A cannon goes off.

But it's not mine.

"Crimson!" I scream. "Crim! No! No, no what were you doing?"

A hovercraft arrives. I'm sobbing hysterically as it lifts me inside, and then everything goes black.

[Plz don't kill me! :-) I know I'll regret it later on, but whatever. Just giving you an extra author's note so you can finish the song]

What do you think about the song? If you can tell how it fits into the Hunger Games, don't tell. Some parts are obvious but I want to save it for the bonus chapter! Thanks :-)

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