After alone

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I miss the group. Even Carl. He may have been a self centered, ignorant, piece of shit, I still miss him.

His cheesy jokes, and pick up lines. I miss how he would always try and braid my hair, but purposely knot it. He may have been all about himself, but he is a good person.

Now, after the prison I'm walking out here in the woods, alone, hungry, depressed, and almost unarmed. I have killed at least 4 walkers with the safe knife. I can tell it's getting dull, with every stab, or cut. Sooner or later it won't cut, or it will break.

Finally, after miles and miles of walking, I just walked out of the woods to a street with a few house. I smiled at the 5, huge, white, house. I ran to the first one, and got my knife out. This will be the on I stay in. I twisted the knob, and pushed, but something was in the way.

"Dad, dad please wake up!" some one cried from the other side. Through the darkness of the night, I looked as close as I could, and I saw them. Rick was either dead, or asleep on the couch, and carl trying to wake him up. Carl fell back and stared at him. Then he started moving. His hand pushed out at carl and he fell to the ground. Carl moved back and got his gun out. I herd his cries loud and clear. Ricks, dead hand grabbed his foot and he gave up. Carl dropped his gun and shut his eyes.

"Carl" he huffed out. Carl stopped crying a little and looked up. Rick dropped his hand and fell on his back. "Stay in the house" was all he said, before shutting his eyes again. Carl moved over and out his forehead on his, And mumbled somethings. I couldn't help but let out a tear. I know how he feels. I don't know if I lost glenn, My only family member.

I walked over to the door and out my hand in a fist. I knocked on the door and herd a gasp from the inside.

"Hey carl I know your in there. Its (Y/N)" I said through the door. Seconds later the sound of stuff being moved was herd and the door opened. His eyes We're red, and swollen from crying, and his hair very sweaty.

"I'm so glad your here" was all he said before pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back putting all the love I had, into it.

"How is your dad holding up" I said, letting go of our hug. I walked in and he shut the door. I got behind the couch the was near the door. He joined me and we pushed the couch back. Once we were done I walked over to rick. His body covered with scars, bruises, and dry blood.

"We're you alone?" he asked joining me, beside rick.

"Yeah, Maggie told me to stay in the cafeteria and she would come back. She never did come back" I said getting sad.

"Hey, I'm sure she is fine. You have us now" he said grabbing my hands. We leaned agents the couch, and looked at each other.

"She better. She is a fighter. Plus Glenn would do anything for her, to keep her safe" he said, standing up. I stood up with him, and he walked away. Being the curious one I am, I followed him. We walked up stairs, and to a cool bed room. When he walked in and left the door open, I too toed my way over there and peaked through. Before i could even look over, arms grabbed my shoulder and pulled me in, shutting the door behind us.

"I knew You would follow me" he said, with a smirk.

"I-im sorry, I shouldn't have" I said, letting my heart beat out of it's chest.

"Don't be. I'm not" he whispered Before planting kisses up and down my neck.

"C-carl" you said smiling about this.

"Yes, baby?" he said in your ear.

"Stop being such a tease" I said Before grabbing his face and kissing him. He kissed back, and grabbed my upper thighs. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his torso. I put my hands behind his head, and gently gripped his long hair.

Suddenly, the door flung open sending me and carl to the floor. michonne smiled at us and put her hands on her hips.

"I herd what you two were doing." she said with a smirk. I realized my hands were still around his neck, so I let go quickly.

"Okay and?" carl said sitting up. All she did was laugh, and start to shut the door.

"Get some sleep you two. I don't need another carl or (Y/n) running around" she said, and fully shut the door. I sat up with carl and looked at him.

"Can we share that bed?" I asked, motioning to the bed in the corner.

"I thought you already knew that one" he said before kissing me. I kissed back and we crawled into bed, sleeping better than in have ever slept.

I can't end this!

Sorry this sucks

Thanks for 28 reads!

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