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There are 5 teenagers of Alexandria. Enid, sam, ron, carl and me. With enid always over the wall, its hard being the only girl most of the time. Sam is really my only friend and i trust him to truthfully not hit on me, like the other boys will. Speak of the two devils.

"Hey doll face" ron said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and walked to the edge of the porch leaning over it a little.

"Dont ever call me that again anderson" i said, watching as sam sprinted to me. He would always come to get me out of situations like this.

"Yeah ron! She prefers baby girl" carl said putting an arm around my shoulder. I huffed and grabbed his hand, pulling it off my shoulder. He is right though. i would rather be called baby, babe, beautiful any of those.

"Lets be real. Your the baby girl here carl" i said. I gripped the edge of the balcony and leaped over it. A pain shot up through my feet, but we all have that feeling for a few minutes after you jump from a high spot. I spotted a figure out of the corner of my eyes and saw enid, half way up the wall. I think i will join her today. I glanced at the boys and then sprinted off.

"(Y/N) NO, STOP, ITS NOT SAFE!" carl yelled after me. I smirked and got to the wall.

"Enid im coming with you today" i said, crawling up the wall after her.

"Finally some company" she joked and crossed the wall. I looked down and saw about a 20 foot clearance, Then carl appeared under me.

"Stop, get enid over its not safe." he said worried. Ron and sam joined him seconds after.

"Carl you found me in the middle of the woods alone. I will be fine!" i said, getting to the top.

"No thats different. I know your a strong person, but my dad has a herd under control out there. If you go out there you will ruin the plan and get yourselves killed" he said. I looked over and saw enid waiting, with her hands on her hips. I turned back to the three panicked boys.

"Better come catch me grimes" was all i said, before running after enid. We ran through the trees and over logs. Suddenly i herd it. I grabbed enids wrist and slowed her down. through the trees we saw the biggest herd of walkers i have ever seen.

In a moment i was tackled to the ground and i saw ron hovering over me. He had fear in his eyes and he grabbed me by my waist, pulling me up. Carl grabbed enid and we ran back to Alexandria.

We pulled up to the gates only to see one of the watch guards being burned. He fell to the other side and i saw all these weird people with W on there forehead, run inside.

"Judith" i whispered.  I ripped out of rons grip and ran through the open gate. I saw people getting murdered everywhere and one Chick walking over. Shit.

"You look so sweet little girly" she said. The sound of her knife slashing on the Hollister filled my ears. I backed up and griped my gun.

"Dont make me do this" i said. A smirk plastered over her face and she came at me. I whipped out my gun and aimed it at her not hesitating to shoot her. She fell to the ground limp and i ran past her and went into our house. I saw Morgan walking around and a W man about to hit him.

"WATCH OUT!" i screamed. The man threw a knife at me and it just skimmed my head. I touched it and felt blood, but ignored it. Morgan took the guy down stairs and i ran upstairs for judith. I swung open the door and saw someone with a hood over there head and a bandanna over there mouth.

"Dont. Touch. Her" i said aiming my gun. They pulled down the bandanna and it was carol.

"Its just me. Get judith and leave. Now" i nodded and grabbed the small baby and ran out. I saw the others running around looking for me and when carl saw us he pointed to the exit. I nodded and we all ran. We got stopped by 6 people with the W on the forehead.

"Come one please, we have a chil-" enid started to say. I gave Judith to carl and shot all 6 of them before they could even blink. Ron and sam looked shocked but we ran out anyway. I hers Judith's crys under carls arm. We pulled off to a small shed and ran inside. I put a wood plank in the door and then breathed heavily.

"Are you okay" carl said from behind me. He gently grabbed my hand and turned me around. His eyes got wide and his hands touched the wound on my head.

"Is it that bad?" i said, annoyed that i will look weird with a little shave mark on my hair.

"Yeah! Sit down before you loose consciousness." He said slowly pulling me down. I sat there and watched as the boys and enid helped clean it. When they were done, carl sat next to me and we were silent.

"Thank you" he whispered. I looked over to him and was confused. "When i was worried about you, you worried about my own sister. Thank you" he said. I smiled and looked back over at my sleeping friends.

"Your welcome. She is like my sister to and i would do anything for her" i said back. We faced eachother and he smiled making one grown on my face.

"Well i would hope we aren't considered as brother and sister then" he said with a goofy smile after. I chuckled and moved closer for his warmth.

"Now why would you hope we aren't?" i asked concerned.

"Because this would be weird" he said. He cupped my face and pulled our lips together. It only lasted about a few seconds but it was all i wanted. After he let go a smile plastered over my face and his. "(Y/N) will you be my girlfriend?" he whispered so ron wouldn't hear. I herd shuffling and saw sam sitting up.

"Dont tell ron!" both carl and said at the same time. Sam chuckled and nodded.

"Now girl whats Your answer, you have been wanting this for like ever!" he said. I blushed and looked down at my hands.

"You have had a crush on me for a while now hmmm?" carl said smirking and nudging my shoulder. I looked up at him and nodded. My cheeks blushed harder as i nodded.

"Carl don't say you haven't had a crush on her! Even before Alexandria you would tell me how much you looovvveeee herrrr" sam gushed. I giggled and set my hand on top of his. I intertwined our fingers and put my head on his shoulder.

"Shut up Sam. And yes i will be your girlfriend" i said. He didn't reply, but i felt his lips on my head and i went to sleep after that.


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So here is a longer story

1,222 words

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