A Useful Phone

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A/N: This was a request from Lizzietheevilempress :) hope you guys enjoy!

The monthly work party had rolled around once again, and everyone was having a great time. Fritz was drooling over the refreshments table, Mike was downing his fourth beer, Jeremy was reading a manga, Vincent was lurking in the shadows, and Scott was - well, being Scott.

Said Phone Guy was sitting in a chair, quietly humming to himself. That is, until a certain purple pervert interrupted his simple tune.

"Hey, Scotty. Whatcha doin?" Vincent asked, pulling a chair up next to Scott.

Scott sighed and tried to ignore the purple male, but it was almost impossible, for Vincent continued to poke him until Scott finally gave up. "Not much, Vince. Just trying to enjoy the party, that's all.

Vincent nodded in reply and was going to continue his lurking until he came up with a brilliant idea.

"So, Scotty........did you have fun last night?"

Scott looked up and blinked confusedly. ".....Did I what?"

"Did you have fun last night? I mean, the noises you were making kind of give away your answer, but I want to know what you have to say."

Scott felt his face heat up. "V-Vince, I thought we agreed we wouldn't -"

"Oh, I never agreed to anything, so I can say whatever I want. You were practically begging for it, anyway." Vincent said the last sentence a little louder. He grinned as he noticed Jeremy look up from his manga and over at them.

Scott's face only turned a darker shade of red at this statement. He looked down at his hands and attempted to ignore Vincent. But the purple male continued.

"You know, no matter how boring you are at work, I know how much of an animal you become at night."

At this point, Jeremy, Mike and Fritz were all looking at Scott and Vincent. Jeremy seemed a bit nervous, Mike was smirking, and Fritz was just curious.

"I can't believe how useful you actually are. Well, that's all I wanted to say. See ya later, Scotty ~" And with that, Vincent walked off into another part of the pizzeria, leaving a bright red, mortified Scott alone with the other night guards.

Jeremy was the first to speak. "S-So, um, I d-didn't know that y-you and Vincent w-were a t-thing."

"We're not! We most definitely are not!" Scott protested, failing miserably at sounding confident. "Listen, I'm just gonna go use the bathroom."

Scott made his way to the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face. He was about to leave when he was pinned against the wall.

"Ready for round two, Scotty Boy?"

A/N: AHH IT WAS SO AWKWARD WRITING THIS XD I hope you all enjoyed it anyway! More oneshots coming soon! ^_^

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