I'll Keep You Safe (Part 2)

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For most of the car ride, Vincent stared out the window and worried. He didn't want to say something stupid that would make Scott think he was an idiot. He also didn't want to say something that sounded too planned out, because that would make him seem insecure.

He glanced over at Scott and sighed softly. He was such a perfect guy. All Vincent wanted was the courage and bravery to confess his feelings for Scott, but he knew that would never happen. He was just too shy.....

Vince gulped as they pulled into a driveway. Scott got out of the car and walked up to his front door, Vincent following close behind. The two males made their way inside, sitting down on a large couch in Scott's living room. An awkward silence followed, seeming to last forever until Scott asked, "Want to watch a movie?"

"Uh, s-sure." Vincent answered, his face a light pink color. Scott looked questioningly at Vincent for a moment before shrugging it off and going to turn on the tv. He flipped through channels until he found a weird movie on the SyFy Channel. The two watched it for about 20 minutes. Suddenly, Vincent burst into tears.

Scott, instantly worried about his friend, wrapped his arms around Vincent. "Vince, what wrong? Why are you crying?" Vincent spoke between sobs. "I-It's just that--my dad always a-abuses me and--I just c-can't take it anymore! I want to r-run away but--he'll only punish me if I try!"

Scott soothingly rubbed small circles into Vincent's back, trying to calm him down. "Vince, I'm so sorry. No one deserves to be hurt like that, especially not an adorable guy like you." Scott's eyes widened when he realized what he had said, a dark blush spreading across his face. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean....." He began, trying to apologize for what he had said.

But Vincent only smiled, a few tears still running down his cheeks. "It's o-ok Scott. I.......I wanted to tell you that I........I........" Vincent tried to get the words out. Scott tilted Vincent's chin up, their faces only inches apart. "I love you too, Vincent." And with that, he gently pressed his lips against the smaller male's lips.

Vincent's face turned bright red, but he hesitantly began to kiss back. He wrapped his arms around Scott's neck as they kissed. After awhile, Scott pulled back and cuddled Vincent to his chest. "No matter what Vince, I'll make sure your dad can't hurt you anymore. You can move in with me, and we can work together at the pizzeria!" Scott said with a smile.

"B-But I was fired from the pizzeria...." Vincent said sadly.

"I'll force them to give you your job back, even if I have to receive a smaller pay." Vincent looked up at Scott with a shy smile. "You'd do that.....for me?"

"Of course I would. And I will. But always remember: No matter how tough things may get, I'll keep you safe."

And with that, the two males cuddled for the rest of the night.

Yaayyyy, a happy ending :3 So there you have it! I've had a sudden burst of inspiration and I'm starting to have a ton of fun writing these little mini stories. I hope you guys enjoy reading them, too. More updates on the way! =)

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