Chapter 3:Alex

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I woke up in the back of some sort of car. I was facing the seat so I couldn't tell who was driving that I could hear what they're talking about.

"We need to get to the airport before he wakes up" A chick voice said.

"I'm driving as fast as I can Callie" Okay so evidently the chick that knocked me out is Callie nice to know. This Callie is trying to kidnap me and sell me to the black market. She must be out of her mind. Who would pay for an annoying butthole like me.I mean seriously I wouldn't be worth more than ten bucks. I guess she doesn't know that. Man she's going to be sad when she actually tried to sell me. I snickered at the thought. CRAP.

"He's awake" I heard Callie say. I felt no need to try to hide it now they obviously already knew. I set up in the seat and stretched my shoulders. I turn to face this Callie girl she was facing forward wow that's nice. great way to start a conversation, Callie. She deserves a round of applause.

" so where are you taking me" I asked I highly doubt I'm going to get off that they're probably highly trained professional kidnappers. they're probably going to just take me to Mexico and sell me that the black market their. what they do I won't be able to speak same language is them. I glared forward, not cool.

"It's none of your concern where we're taking you" The guy said Wow! rude much?

"But it is my concern Where you're taking me. it's me you're taking places if I don't want to go there then I shouldn't have to. Dude I just met you today." I deserve to know where they're taking me at least. She said it was a deep alongside she was obviously annoyed by me, I take that as a compliment.

" you'll see when we get there" Callie said. this is going to take forever I can tell. He pulled into a parking spot. I'm guessing this is the airport. They got out and he opened the door. he was the same gun that the chick was holding earlier. I wouldn't normally do this scared but if you really think about it I'm being kidnapped probably sold on the black market now they're holding them to my face. I saw his fingers squeeze back and pull the trigger know sooner than later I realized that I've been shot. I slowly drifted into a deep sleep. I try to fight it I needed to fight it I don't wanna kidnapped and sold the freaking black market. nobody in the right mind wants that. I woke up I'm guessing a couple hours later I was on a plane. what? I looked out the window of the plane it looked like it was night time from the position of the moon it was about 11 at I've been asleep all day. I look to my right there was an old man I look to my left and there was that dude that kidnapped me. The guy was asleep if he'd known me he would know you never fall asleep anywhere near me. I Snickered in my head. I pulled out a sharpie and hoped he's not a light sleeper. I made sure the girl that kidnapped me was asleep before I started this and she just scold me. Thankfully she was, So I got to work. I draw a handlebar mustache across his face. he's going to hate me when he wakes up and quite frankly I'm okay with that. 

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