I want you to be with me, not Her ~ Darise

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A/N before
Sorry for the lazy af update. Hope you like it. It's been forever -_-

Cerise P. O. V.

Her. I can't believe he's dating her of all people. Lizzie Hearts. I don't understand what he sees in that weird 'off with your head' girl. It's not that I hate Lizzie, it's just that I am holding a grudge against her for dating him. It's not that I like him. Ok I confess, I love him and I don't know why, he seems nice when he isn't acting like a big bad self centered idiot. Everyone knows they're dating. Everyone. And for someone who used to like and now secretly loves him it's hard. I wish it was thronecoming again and he was asking to dance with me. Now everyone talks about Daring and Lizzie. Ick. Just gross. There's not much I can do anyway, I'm just a girl that's secretly half wolf, and he's a popular prince with everything, including a Royal girlfriend.

Today is the day in going to leave, I can't stand any more of this Dizzie nonsense, although he didn't know it, he broke my heart, big time. I decided to tell no one, because it is easier to leave undetected and in the shadows. I begin to gather my belongings I'm putting in the suitcase I'm talking with me and essential small objects in a petite red backpack. I am almost done and close my suitcase, when I hear a knock on the door. In panic I run to the balcony where a zip line (installed by Briar) is located. I attach my self and bag to it and slide out to safety. I landed on the dirt path and helplessly stumble over a tree root.

"Oww," I mumble in pain. I now have a long cut down the side of my calf. I really shouldn't of been wearing shorts. It takes a moment for me to adjust, but soon I am trudging to the Book Inn, a place not to far from here.

When I get there I walk up to the desk, which is presently being run by Emmy Breadhouse, Ginger's sister. (@dizziefan)

"Hi room please," I mumbled and Emmy handed me a card.

"Need any help with your bag?" she asked.

"Nope. I'm good," I replied, then proceeded to drag my bag to my room.

Once I got inside and threw my bag onto the floor next to my bed, I flopped onto the mattress and fell asleep.

In Ever After High
Daring P. O. V.

Apparently Cerise has been missing for almost a day, no one knows where she is at all. Everyone is in a panic, including me, even though I appear to be apathetic to all of this. Lizzie my "girlfriend" that I'm dating off a dare is having a picnic with me presently. No one knows that deep down I don't actually like Lizzie and actually prefer Cerise. Funny right, the most popular guy has a crush on the weird kid. And her of all people, of course I can't do anything about it considering I am dating this annoying Card girl who shouts OFF WITH YOUR HEAD every thine someone offends her. I just can't take it anymore. Now is the perfect time to get rid of her. Ugh, I sound evil, it's just I don't like her it was only a dare that I'm dating her.

"Lizzie?" I asked her.

She tilted her head to the right to look at me and her red and black hair slipped over her left shoulder. Pretty, but not like Cerise.

"Yes Daring?" she replied.

"I have something to tell you..."


"I'm only dating you because the guys dared me to..."

Lizzie didn't say anything and broke out into tears and ran away.

"I look like a great person," I mumbled and started to clean up the picnic mess.

When I was done I headed back, but without the map I kept thinking I was going the wrong way. This point just happened to be proved when I arrived at the Book Inn in the middle of the forest. I walked inside to find directions and was told to go to the dining room. It was lunch, respectfully, and when I stepped into the room, I was expecting people to be in there, and sitting at a table was... Cerise?!

I ran to her table, she was eating a burger, and tapped her on the shoulder. She whirled her head around and looked at me.

"Daring?!" Cerise said in shock.

"Yes, it's me," I said sitting in the chair next to her.

"What do you want?" she replied coldly and turned back to her food.

I saw a cut running up her leg.

"How did that happen?" I asked.

"Zip Line," she mumbled and took another bite of her burger.

"Why did you run away?" I say.

She turns her head and looks at me in the eye. "Because of you. You and Lizzie. All of that hexing dating. Gee I know it was a dare but seriously that long?!" she snapped.

Wow, I never really knew what I was doing. I looked at my folded hands on the table, when an thought flew into my head.

"Cerise, I'm sorry, even though you hate me for all of this, I admit I always have liked you, and still do."

Third person. P. O. V.

Cerise looked dumbfounded when Daring told her this.

"Prove it," she said, not as icily as before.

Suddenly took her to her room and kissed her passionately and removed her hood.

"What adorable ears," he smirked stroking them.

Cerise was as red as her cape. "H-H-hey!" she said, "wait what? You're not surprised I'm part wolf?"

"Of course not, I actually find your wolf aspect amazing and unique," he replied sitting next to her.

She blushed. "I do love you Daring..."

"I love you to Cersie," Daring said, kissing her again.



Sorry if it was short or not so great. Comment thoughts and u can still request... ~Kitty

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