Chapter 13 "BORDERLINE!"

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Me and Yukine finished at 4:00 so it gave us an hour to talk and hang out then he looks at me and says "Y/N?" "Yes Yukine?" "I-I-I think your a good friend" I look at him confused and disappointed....

(Yukines POV)
I try to ask her what's wrong but I am cut off by Y/N I open eyes to see Y/N her lips on mine. Y/N she takes her lips off mine and says "I love you." Her e/c eyes are filled with tears I wipe her eyes and hug her and she says "I am glad I met you!" I feel tears go down my face I hug her tighter "I am glad I meet you too." I pull her up from the floor and head to Kofukos shrine me and Y/N hold hands all the way but we are stopped by a boy he was also a regalia

I felt like I knew this regalia Yukine and him talked for awhile while I sat there trying to remember who he was I feel tears go down my face "why am I crying." I put my hand my face and feel a tear go down my hand "Wh-why am I crying?" I get up and tell Yukine that I am going to Kofukos shrine I run and once I get there I close the door and got under my blanket and covered my head with my pillow "I don't even know why I'm crying!"

(Next morning)
(Still your POV)
I wake up to Yukine dragging me and then he says "come on let's go!" "Where?" I say "to see our friend! Of course!" I get dressed and we go to see Yukines friend but then I see a person putting flowers down by his tree Yukine chases after him and I follow then I hear Yukine yells "KUZAMA!" And I'm holding onto Yukines hand he jumps onto Kuzama we teleport and I find myself in a huge place Kuzama tells us "run if Bishamon finds you-" he was cut off by a girl with long blonde hair "BISHAMON!" I say "mitsayuma?" I feel tears go down my face I run towards Bishamon and hug her I feel tear drops on my head I look up to see Bishamon crying I back away slowly and say "mitsayuma is not my name anymore Bishamon.."
She looks at me and Yukine comes up to me and says "You know her Y/N?" I look at him and say "yes I was apart of the Ma clan then Bishamon started getting blight I was her regalia then I asked her to release me before I caused more harm to the Ma clan she released me and I haven't had a master since last month I met you Yukine." I hold his hands and look at Bishamon. Bishamon looks at me and says "YOUR WITH THAT YATO GOD!" "What's wrong with that?" I say "H-He killed the Ma clan!" Bishamon said and she started to cry I gasp and back away from Yukine "YOU-YOU WHY DID YOU!" I hug Bishamon and started to cry even more she pushes me back slightly and calls one of her regalias it was a gun " Kazuma were the rumors true? You helped save that God?!" She points the gun towards Yukine "HE ISNT YOUR ENEMY HE IS YOUR SAVIOR!" She pulls the trigger and shoots "BORDER LINE!"

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