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John's PoV
   I used to like school, it was a great place...  But then everything changed going in to middle school.  All of a sudden having good grades and being a "nerd" made me an outcast and a victim of bullying.  I never told anyone about it though, it's not like anyone would have cared anyway.  I fell in to a deep depression and going into high school I started to self harm.  The bullies never gave up their ruthless attacks, and I still have never told anyone about them.  That is except for one person...

   My only friend in this cruel world, TurntechGodhead.  We talk on PesterChum for hours on end sometimes and we even used to video chat at night or when my dad wasn't home.  That is, before the incident.  Before my attempt..

   It was a Tuesday morning and I woke up a couple minutes earlier than I normally would, somewhat so my dad could find me and the bullies would know they had won after all these years.  I placed my note on my nightstand next to my bed, but I didn't send a message or anything to TG, I was going to leave that to my dad.  I grabbed my sharpest blade from a tiny box underneath my bed, brought it up to my neck, pushed it into my flesh, and pulled as hard and as fast as I could.  The last thing I heard was my alarm going off and my dad shouting my name and calling someone...

   I woke up in the hospital and my neck hurt like a bitch.  Looking at a black clock on the wall, I saw it was 3:43 in the morning, almost a day later.  When I tried making a sound, nothing came out.  I started screaming, but the only thing there was the silence that surrounded me. 

   I could have had my vocal cords repaired, but I didn't want to cause even more trouble so I became mute.  My dad had been teaching my ASL for a while, but I doubted anyone would even know it. 

   Things with me and TG went on as normal, except I had to make an excuse to get out of any video calls. A- because I couldn't talk B- He would see the stitches on my neck.  Eventually he learned to let it go.  I didn't want to stop the video calls, but I didn't really have a choice.

   After that day the bullying just got even worse.  Now the bullies knew for sure I wouldn't go around telling anyone, and I couldn't scream for help, not like anyone would ever come anyway.  At least at the end of the day I can go home and just talk to TG, at least I know he cares a little bit if anything.

New story yay.
I like this idea better I think, but I dunno...
Peace :P

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