Chapter 3- Everything Stays

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John's PoV
It was Wednesday, and it has so far been the continuous cycle of taunts and shoves thrown my way. I've heard around that there going to be a new student today, and countless people have already come up to me and threatened me to stay away from him or her.

Whoever they were, I probably wouldn't find out their name until they were introduced in class. I could ask anyone, even if they would answer me, and if I ran into them, they probably wouldn't bother to talk to me.

Per usual, I sat in Homeroom right away, not wasting in more time than needed in the packed hallways. I decided to take out my phone and put some earbuds in, nobody would talk to me anyway so the chances of me being disturbed were pretty low.

   So far it was just another day of hell and another day closer until summer when I didn't have to see these douche bags until the following September.  But it was only October, it's only been a month and I'm already over this whole idea of school.

However, I was still curious about this whole new kid ordeal. I knew that he or she wouldn't talk to me, but I couldn't help but wonder where they would fall in the social hierarchy of this school. New kids are more often than not picked up by the popular kids though, so that's certainly a likely possibility for them. Either that or they'll be somewhere in the middle, the nobodies that are still somebodies. Their opinions could make a difference if they said anything, but it was more likely that they'd become just a nobody, not even a somebody.

I subconsciously hoped that we didn't have many classes together, in the case that they'd most likely end up being a total asshole to me like everyone else. Then again, the odds are never in my favor, so they'd probably have every class with me no doubt.

Eventually the bell rang and the rest of the students sat down and I begrudgingly took out my earbuds and turned my music off. The teacher gave the general announcements of the day and then allowed us to do whatever the fuck we wanted for the next 10 minutes we had before our actual classes.

I listened around at the multiple conversations across the room. Some were talking about this new kid. Apparently he is totally cool kid material, it won't be long until he starts telling me to kill myself too. Great, this life just gets better and better.

It seems this kid isn't the talkative type, or at least not yet. Nobody knows his name for sure, only the other kids in his homeroom for now. Then there was the subject of his schedule, how they figured out what it was, I don't even want to know. Seems like I shared first period math and lunch with him. At least I'll only see him twice a day, it could be worse.

Dave's PoV
All the eyes were on me, all of them for the whole day so far. The people in my homeroom have been swarming me, asking various different questions that I didn't feel like answering. Instead I just took out my phone and started messaging Ecto, seeing as now we were in the same time zone.

[turntechGodhead [TG] started pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 7:35 a.m.]

[TG]: you should get online right about now
[TG]: people are trying to talk to me and shit
[TG]: they don't even have V.I.P. passes
[TG]: my bodyguard is doing a shit job at his job
[TG]: if i die i'm suing him and his shitty suit
[TG]: are you even alive?
[TG]: fuck you too
[TG]: giving me the silent treatment?
[TG]: i'll just have to flip these people off and get suspended already
[TG]: just shoot me a text when you're actually online
[TG]: i just want to fucking go home dude

[turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 7:38 a.m.]

   Sighing, I turned my phone back off, continuing to ignore the crowd of people around me.  I guess this school doesn't get very many new kids, or they're just mesmerized by my sweet ass, who knows?

   The bell rang and I snuck a look at my schedule to make sure I knew where I was going in this labyrinth.  Eventually, without too much trouble, I reached the math room I was supposed to be in, thank god.  I quickly glanced around the room before everyone swarmed me again, looking at everybody and trying to find an empty seat to sit at.

   Everyone sat towards the left side and front right, they all seemed to avoid the back right area.  There was one person siting in the back right corner, but no one sat with them.  I decided to say fuck it and possibly commit social suicide by sitting with this dude. 

   He glanced over at me, surprised to see someone sitting by him.  Looks like today is his lucky day.

   "Sup, the name's Dave Strider, don't wear it out," I said confidently for what seemed like the millionth time today.  His eyes showed some sort of emotion of shock or panic, just by looking at my face.  Speaking of his eyes, holy shit.  He had ocean blue eyes and dark, black hair.  Almost reminding me of Ecto's.  He actually could be Ecto, except for one thing.  My best bro is way more talkative than this dude, and I'm pretty sure he even has stitches on his neck.  Could he even fucking talk at all?

   To answer my question, he wrote something down on a piece of paper and showed it to me.

   'Hi, nice to meet you.  I really think you should sit somewhere else though, I'm not really the most liked person in this school.  If you want a chance at surviving, I suggest you move.'

      He just sort of looked away, sadness in his eyes.

   "So you can you no-" I started.  He cut me off by shaking his head 'no' and showing me another small piece of paper.

   'Yes I can't talk, thanks for asking.  That's the most interesting thing about me.  Seriously though, if you don't want to die within your first days, you should go sit somewhere else.'

   Seeing as I wasn't going to win this, I got up reluctantly and sat somewhere closer to the front of the room.  Well that was interesting..

John's PoV
   Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

   Out off all the people this new kid could be it just had to be TG or someone who looked just like him.  He's even wearing the same shades I sent TG as a birthday present.  Right now I'm 99.99% sure that Dave is TG.  Fuck.

   It's only a matter of time before he finds out who I am.  This life just gets better and better doesn't it?

Me not update for 3 months? What are you talking about? *sweats nervously*
Hahahaha... Haha... Ha....
Please don't kill me •~•
Just a warning, I'm in two marching bands this summer, so that means a lot of band camps, and less frequent updates (not that this can really get slower //whoops)
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to favorite/vote for this chapter and leave a comment with any suggestions or praises.  I really appreciate every comment and vote <3
Until another 3 months (whoops)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2016 ⏰

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