Hey guys! So, as many of you may have noticed, I've been EXTREMELY inactive on this account. I think the last time I logged in was like what, 2 months ago? Anyways, there are certain reasons why I've been so inactive.
Firstly, school. School's getting really hectic now and I'm struggling.
Secondly, I realized that for all these months, by focusing on cover making, I'm kinda behind on my writing, which is basically the reason why I joined Wattpad. So, I wanted to take a break from cover making and focus more on my writing.
Also, I'm extremely sorry to say this, but I will no longer be taking graphic requests here. However, don't fret; I will be accepting requests sent to me via PM on my main account [incohesive].
I've sorta decided to start over with the tutorials, so if you guys have already requested a tutorial, but I haven't done it, then please comment on the chapter of this book, specially reserved for requesting tutorials.
I'm extremely sorry for disappointing most of you. It wasn't intentional; I had like so many plans but then life came and screwed up everything XD
Anyways, I'm sorry. I'll continue posting tutorials whenever I can. If you have any questions, then just let me know. :)