[cover example on top]
Step 1: Open a canvas, with dimensions 512x800.
Step 2: Open the first texture in the Texture Pack [click on the external link] as a layer. I actually made that background out of three stock images I found on Deviantart, but since I lost the original pictures, I thought I'd give you the finished background to make your job easier.
Step 3: Open the second texture, transform it if you want, and set it to Overlay with opacity 71.
Step 4: Open the third texture as a layer, and set the blend mode to Screen.
Step 5: Open up the PNG of the model. Resize and place wherever you want.
Step 6: Open up the fourth texture (the black and white scribbled one). Resize it if you want and place it above the model. Set the mode to Lighten. Erase any unwanted edges with the soft eraser if you want.
Step 7: Open up the fifth texture and resize, and set it to Overlay, with an opacity of 58.
Step 8: Now for the text. I used the font Before The Rain (in bold) for the letters 'S' and 'L' and Century Gothic (in caps) for the rest of the text. The color code I used is #036612.
Step 9: This step is optional. If you want to add a sort of shine to your text layers, then open up the glow texture found in the pack. Resize if you want. Change the blend mode to Overlay and Opacity to 67.
Step 10: Finally add the lighting texture. Make the blend mode Overlay and opacity 100.
Aaaaand, that's it! You're done :)
Hope you found this helpful! And I'm really sorry that this tutorial was rather short compared to the others. I'm sorta busy now because I just got my Christmas holidays today so my and family and I are leaving for our hometown on Sunday. I can't post much from there because the WiFi there is DAAAMN slow >.< So, I won't be posting much until Christmas is over.
With that being said, happy holidays!