Hey guys! I thought I'd give away another freebie.. and this time, a PXD.
In case you're wondering, a PXD is sort of a raw file of the graphic you're editing on Pixlr Editor. When you make a graphic on Pixlr, you get to see and edit all the layers from the layer panel, right? Similarly, when you open a PXD file in Pixlr, you get to see all the layers used and you can edit them however you want. It's similar to the PSD files of Photoshop.
uGHHHH I really don't know how to explain this, so I guess you can download it and see it for yourself. :P
- Click on the external link. It will take you to the place where you can download the PXD from. Download it.
- Once you download it, go to Pixlr and select 'Open image from Computer'. Then, go to the folder where you saved the PXD file and open it.
- Voila! You'll be able to see all the layers and stuff I used to make this bookmark (bookmark on top). You may be wondering what the use of PXDs are but believe me, they really help in gaining a wider understanding of making Pixlr graphics.
Feel free to edit the PXD in any way you like. You can use it too, without giving credit. The only thing you can't do is redistribute it, claiming it as your own.
Hope you found this freebie helpful! :)