Chapter 2.The fight.

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The blue hooded Canadian instantly ran for a stone sword, that lay about ten meters in front of him.He grabbed it and pulled it out of the dirt with ease, before turning to face one of the gates that was now open in front of him.All 6 of them were in pairs in front of all 3 of the gates.
Mitch was with Jerome.
Vikk was with Lachlan.
And Rob was with Preston.

"Rob are you ready?" 

Preston, beside him, had an iron sword in hand, posing to strike next to his partner.

"No, but do we have a choice?"

Preston stayed silent, as the first mobs approached, just 3 zombies and a creeper.

Rob charged forward, before plunging his sword deep in the zombies chest.Using his foot, he then slowly removed the sword, making the zombie fall to the floor.He then swung horizontally with great force, at the second zombie just in front of him, making its head fall to the ground with a wet slap of blood that leaked from its neck.Once the body had toppled over,Rob dug his heel into the head of the first zombie,crushing its skull and killing it instantly before launching off it to kick the final zombie on the chest, knocking it to the floor, and plunging his sword through his eye socket.

He looked up, to see Preston making short work of the creeper, by expertly throwing his sword through its chest from a 10 meter distance.He looked up, making eye contact and smiling at each other before spinning around at their team mates.Everyone had had no trouble at all, and the bloody bodies of zombies and creepers were clear in the dry dirt.


The announcer's voice made Rob jump, dropping his sword and making the crowd roar with mocking laughter.He stumbled to pick it up with his shaking hands and, now very red in the face, ran to join Preston at the gate as five zombie's, two creeper's and three spiders came bolting from the gate's darkness towards them.

"It's okay Rob don't worry when we beat this, we'll see who's laughing then"

Preston gave him a smirk as he charged forward, sword a blur as he made quick work of two zombies.Rob smiled.He knew that Preston could always cheer him up.So he too ran forward with his sword over his shoulder, eyes locked with the eight of the spider in front of him.


Meanwhile, Vikk and Lachlan were having a slight problem.Whilst Vikk had a bow, Lachlan only had time to grab a wooden sword at the start, and now said sword was broken in half, splitting a zombies skull in two.


Lachlan was hesitant to run for the stone sword that seemed a little too far away at the centre of the arena, but he did as Vikk said and bolted, glancing back over his shoulder every two seconds just to make sure he was okay.He finally approached the sword and pulled it out with ease, before turning back around to join Vikk at the gate.

Vikk was on the floor.
Pinned under a spider, that was currently binding him with spider's silk.

With a growl, Lachlan took off and raised his sword by his side.


He slid to a halt, before stabbing the spider in the gut, and pulled it off him.
Vikk scrambled to free himself of the web, and was then pulled to his feet by the Australian .

"Phew, thanks!"

"No problem..."

The awkward yet touching eye contact lasted for only a second, before the wave ended, and they turned round to face the others who were staring, rather concerned, at them.

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